~ 7 - It's not the best ~

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Ship: Skepnoblade
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It was all just a blur of black and blue for Zak as he choked up his lungs, his eyes stinging from the salty liquid around him and his body froze up, his fingertips and toes number than numb and his chest pounding in fear and in agony. He couldn't flail his arms any longer and the water had already started to fill up in his body. Zak couldn't take it, he didn't want to die anymore. He leapt with a fierce velocity as he cried for help one final time before the cold release of water passed over him.


His body was icy cold as he dragged it out of the river, shivering violently and hacked breathing. Dave lay him down against the grass and flowers surrounding them as he started compressing his chest and breathing into his mouth.

'Don't die on me yet, stupid.'

He kept going until he heard a sharp gasp come from the younger's lips and he leapt back, sitting the younger up so he could get all the water out of his system.

Zak sat there for about a minute before everything came back to him and he looked to his saviour in shame and surprise, "T-Techno?"

The older looked at him in shock, before holding onto the shivering body tightly, "Don't speak, you'll waste your energy. We need to get you warm..."

Dave held the other up, one hand on the others waist whilst he held Zak's arm around his shoulders to keep the boy up steady until they reached the car. The journey to the dark red car was slow and it gave Dave a lot of time to think whilst Zak also recollected his thoughts. As Zak sat in the passenger side of the car, a thick, fluffy red blanket covering his body, Dave spoke up, his voice harsh and worried, cracking lightly near the end.

"What the fucking hell where you thinking?"

Zak stared at the ground of the car, not knowing how to answer, does he speak his mind or does he lie like always? What was the best answer to this question? Zak looked up to Dave's face trying to find the answer there but instead finding pain, worry and anger.

"I- I wasn't."

"Yeah, I figured as much, why else would you go into a river in the middle of winter!" Dave shouted, huffing, his eyes going slightly blurry as he looked away from the boy in front of him.

"I- Okay, look, I'm fine now so-"

"But you're not fine! You're just gonna keep lying to everyone that you are even though you're not," Dave retorted immediately, he loved the boy so much and it pained him to see the other upset and in confliction but he needed to hear Dave for once, "Please, just tell me what you were doing there."

The silence that came after those words was agonisingly painful, thoughts swirling around both of their heads and Zak's heartbeat picking up by a lot, his hands trembling slightly as he thought of a way out but he just couldn't. There was nothing he could say to stop him now.

As he looked to Dave to speak, he felt arms wrap around him and pull him into a hug. They didn't let go of each other for around five minutes before Dave finally asked for that answer again.

"I- I was trying to kill myself."

Everything went quickly afterwards, the car urged forwards and the depressed boy's hand was held tightly as they drove.

"I know it's not the best but I promise I'll stay with you and help you through this."

"I- Thank you, thank you so much."

"No, I love you, it's what I want to do."

"I love you too, but I can't promise I'll love myself."

"Loving takes time."

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