~ 4 - Frenchie ~

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Ship: Skep6d

Skeppy let out a small sniffle, he knew he'd really fucked up this time, he had erased weeks- no, months of work, not that he meant to. He really thought that they had a save- a backup, anything that could've kept MunchyMC from being shutdown for maintenance. He knew that as soon as the news came out to BadBoyHalo their friendship would be over immediately and all that time he spent befriending and playing with the owner was for nothing.
He knew... He knew.

A6d knew something was up with his friend, it had been a few hours since Zak had told him he was going to troll BadBoyHalo and the only thing he'd heard from the boy was that it was a fail and to not message him for a while, which confused Vincent because they usually called afterwards. After a small moment of silence and thinking on Vincent's part, he decided to call the older boy and see what was up.

After a few rings from the discord call, Skeppy picked up, sniffling and holding back sobs.

"Uh, Zak?"

The boy didn't speak afterwards but instead replied with a small hum, he didn't trust himself enough to talk, his voice might crack and then the tears would come pouring out once more and he'd feel the pain all over again.


"Is everything ok? What do you mean the troll went wrong?"

This time Zak had to give an actual answer and he couldn't just hum in reply. He prepared himself, took a quick sip of his water and tried to explain what happened without tearing down. One of his best friends hated his guts and never wanted to see or speak to him anymore and the other would think he was a baby if he cried!

"I- Well basically I began the troll, I deleted a few things and everything was fine... Until the server- the server crashed and then uh it turned out we didn't have a save or backup," Zak took in a gulp of air, he could already feel the pressure welling up in his stomach and the salty tears dribbled slowly down his face, "So uh, I waited until he came back so I could explain and apologise but well- he- he said- He said he never wanted to talk to me ever again and that if I ever joined his server when they fixed it he'd- he'd-"

Zak stopped. The breath caught up in his throat and his hands kept to the hem of his hoodie, pulling it away from his neck as he tried to calm his panicked breathing. Everything was going black... or had he shut his eyes? He tried breathing but couldn't, short, pained gasps hit his lungs as he let out sobs and hiccups and more tears streamed down violently against his cheeks.

"Zak? Zak! Can you hear me?"

'Yes. Yes!' Skeppy thought but no words could escape his mouth as he breathed heavily and choked on the suffocating atmosphere around him.

"V-Vincent! I think I'm gonna d-die, I don't want t-to die."

A6d's heart shattered hearing the small voice of the other, despite the ragged breaths the other were taking, Vincent understood exactly what the older was saying and realised quickly what was happening.

"No, no Zak, listen to me, you're okay! You just need to breathe, so do it with me. Okay? In and out, in and out," Vincent exaggerated his breathing so Zak could copy him which helped the boy a lot more than Vincent could imagine. Zak was still shaking slightly and trembling but he could breathe now, "Now, what did Darryl say he was gonna do?"

"Well he said if he'd come down to my house and kill me himself, b-but I didn't mean to, Vince!"

"I know, I'll try and talk to him if you want," Vincent suggested not wanting the other to be upset anymore.

"No, I don't want to talk to him anymore can- can we just play for a bit? By ourselves?"

"Of course, Zak... I have something to tell you later though."

The two played until Zak got tired and wanted to go to bed but he didn't really want to leave Vincent alone after he made him stay awake the whole night and if he was honest, he kinda loved the younger boy.

"Oh! Before I go what was it you were gonna tell me, Vince?"

"Oh yeah! I'm moving to America, my visa finally got accepted."

"Wait, really? Oh my god, Vincent! That's amazing, can- I wanna be the first person you see from America. Promise you'll let me see you first."

"Promise, anyways you should head to bed, it's late," Vincent spoke as he also cleaned up his desktop. "Goodnight."

"Love you."

And then Zak left, with an unspoken love you too, and a tired body.


It was a Friday and Zak had just gotten out the car, his feet colliding with the ground as he moved towards the tall arrival building. His body moving swiftly through the crowd, the sign in his hand getting slightly crumpled with the distress of other people and his eyes wandering to the certain arrival place.

"Shit! My coffee," Zak heard as he sped past, a quick apology yelled back towards the crowd as he finally reached the front, his eyes finding nothing but bags before they landed on a certain Male and he quickly held up his sign.

Vincent looked across at the crowd of people waiting to pick up their friends and family as well before he noticed someone shout about their coffee and he also observed a short boy gliding across the people realising who it was immediately and smiling excitedly, he couldn't wait for this moment. He grabbed his suitcase quickly moving closer before watching the raven-haired male pull up a sign. He read it carefully, once and twice before shivering with excitement.

"Yes! Fucking yes!" Vincent ran forwards his suitcase trailing behind as he pulled Zak into a warm hug and kissed his cheek.

"Oh so you liked my sign?"

"It's perfect," Vincent spoke holding the others hand as they walked towards the car park.

'Oi, Frenchie~ date me or je vais te pirater!'

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