Reign Dwyer - Bio

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*Feel free to skip the bios if you want. They're just here in case anyone wants to know more about the characters!*

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Name: Reign Cordelia Dwyer
Nickname: Dwyer; Reignie (Cedric); Re (Draco)
Age: 16
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Hair: Waist-Length, Blonde, Wavy
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7
Weight: 137
Build: Slight But Strong
Race: Caucasian
Ethnicity: Irish/English
Model: Alice Tarasenko
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Mother: Cordelia [Aldridge] Dwyer (Deceased)
Father: Seamus Dwyer (Deceased)
Brother: Allistair Dwyer
Adoptive Father: Amos Diggory
Significant Others: Cedric Diggory (Deceased); Draco Malfoy
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School: Ilvermorny (Former); Beauxbatons (Former); Hogwarts (Current)
House: Wampus (Former); Ombrelune (Former); Slytherin (Current)
Wand: 13 Inches; Flexible; Ebony Wood; Dragon Heartstring Core
Magical Pet: Puppy Crup
Patronus: White Mare
Boggart: Scabior
Amortentia Scent: Expensive Cologne
Blood-Status: Pureblood
Quidditch Position: Chaser
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Backstory: Reign Cordelia Dwyer was born to Cordelia and Seamus Dwyer on August 1st, 1980 in London England. She had a happy childhood up until the age of seven when her parents were brutally murdered by a man named Scabior. Reign witnessed the entire ordeal from within a closet in the living room of their home. When her brother, then seventeen, heard what had happened to his parents he returned home from Hogwarts to care for his sister. He ended up moving them to the US where Reign spent the majority of her early life. She attended Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1991-1994 and was a member of Wampus house. Throughout her time at Ilvermorny, Reign took particular interest in learning complicated hexes and curses that could be used in dueling. Reign and her brother moved to France in the summer of 1994 and she attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic for one year. It was rumored that Reign transferred schools specifically to compete in the Triwizard Tournament, although her plans changed when the Ministry of Magic declared that all participants had to be at least 17 years old. While visiting Hogwarts she met Cedric Diggory and there was an instant connection. After attending the Yule Ball together and supporting him through each dangerous challenge of the tournament Reign realized she was in love with him. Reign was heartbroken when Cedric died during the last challenge in the Triwizard Tournament. She adamantly believed he had been killed by Lord Voldemort and swore to get her revenge. Having formed a strong bond with Cedric's father Amos, Reign moved in with him and his wife to care for them during their time of grief. After a year of mourning she enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry which is where our story begins.

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Author's Note: Hi friends! Thank you so much for bearing with me through that, I know it was a lot of information! I chose to start out with a character bio for Reign simply because of how complicated her backstory is. I'm also going to do a short bio for Draco, only because there are so many details to the character that I feel are easily missed when reading the books and watching the movies. Plus I really love him so why the hell not write more about him than I have to!

All that being said, I hope you enjoy the story!! Chapter One is up and ready for reading so don't let me keep you any longer. Go! Read your hearts out!! 💚💚💚

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