Chapter 5 - The Boggart

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It had been three months since Reign had patched up Draco's hand in the slytherin common room in the middle of the night.

Since then she had managed to avoid him pretty successfully. Sure she saw him in class and ran into him in the corridors once in a while, but the conversation was kept to a minimum.

Reign focused on her studies instead of thinking about what the blonde boy might be doing every time he snuck away. More than once she was studying late in the common room and saw him tiptoe quietly through the door.

Every time he gave her a look that said, "If you tell anyone about this I swear to Merlin..."

Every time she returned to her books without so much as a word to the prefect.

Malfoy, on the other hand seemed to be focusing less and less on his studies every day, distracted by something equally as stressful as it was sinister no doubt.

Emaline had Transfiguration with him and she had come back to the room twice now, shocked that Draco Malfoy was the only one who had missed their homework assignment.

Reign had noticed a difference too. In both Potions and D.A.D.A. Malfoy had seemed to lack interest in everything they studied. He brewed subpar potions and seemed to spend the majority of Snape's class focusing on something else. Probably whatever it was he was sneaking off to in the middle of the night.

Burning the candle on both ends had made him visibly tired. His previously sharp features had become almost gaunt and the dark circles under his eyes were concerning.

Reign blocked all of that out though, in an attempt to focus on her own success at Hogwarts. The Hufflepuffs roaming the halls were a constant reminder of why she was here: to make someone pay for Cedric's death.

Wasting time trying to figure out what Malfoy was so worried about wouldn't get her any closer to making that happen.

Reign was just reminding herself of this for the fifth time that day when Snape's voice snapped her back into focus.

"Can anyone tell me the incantation for the blasting curse?"

Snape looked as if he was about to call on Draco to embarrass him yet again but Reign raised her hand before he got the chance.

"Dwyer," Snape raised an eyebrow at her skeptically.

"Confringo," she stated confidently, "It causes anything in its path to explode. This curse is especially dangerous when used in the presence of no-mages... I mean muggles."

Snape gave her a curious look before turning back to the board, "Correct. Many of you may recognize this curse from the Daily Prophet three years ago when it was reported that..."

Reign turned her attention from Snape to Malfoy who was glaring at her from across the room. She rolled her eyes at him and turned back to her notes. Of course he would be angry at her effort to help him.

After class everyone packed their things quickly in an attempt to get away from Snape as fast as possible. Reign was about to leave as well when she heard her name from the front of the room.

"Dwyer," Snape got her attention, "If you could stay for a moment..."

She set her books back down on the desk and glanced over to see that Malfoy was still there as well. He looked just as confused as she felt.

"I've been giving Mr. Malfoy lessons after class on occasion," he informed her, "You have shown yourself to be rather skilled in this area of magic. Would you care to sit in on these lessons as well?"

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