Chapter 3 - D.A.D.A

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Reign was woken up the next morning by rays of sunlight streaming through the window on the opposite side of her room.

She smiled, rolling over in bed, before the confusion sank in. Sitting up, she stared at the window. It had been dark since Voldemort had returned, why now was it bright and sunny?

"Enchantment," Clara's voice came from the bed beside hers, "I like waking up to blue sky's whatever the weather. Much more pleasant that way, don't you think?"

Reign chuckled, "I suppose so. Although, I was hoping it was real."

"I don't think we'll see anything so happy for a while," Emaline sighed, "Peter and I, we have an older brother, Michael, who works at the Ministry. He says You Know Who is building up quite the army."

"And it's impossible to know who's a part of it..." Reign muttered, more so thinking out loud than talking to the others.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she shook her head, "I'm going to go get some breakfast before class. Wouldn't want to start Advanced Potions off on an empty stomach."

"I'll come!" Clara smiled, "That's my first class too."

"Stellar," Reign grinned as she got up to change into her robes.

"I've got Advanced Herbology with Sprout," Emaline smiled, "I'm going to head over early so I can pick out the best Venomous Tentacula. We each get to raise one over the course of the year and whoever's grows the strongest gets to work with Sprout over summer holidays. Provided they don't get bit by the plant first I suppose."

The three left their room together and went their separate ways at the top of the stairs.

Waving to Emaline, Reign and Clara walked into the Great Hall and took a seat at the Slytherin table. Reign placed a pear and some cheese on her plate and started to pick at it while Clara ate her muffin.

"So you and Emaline have been friends for a while?" Reign asked her.

"Six years now," she grinned, "Don't worry though, you fit right in already. How do you like Hogwarts so far?"

"It's not so different from Ilvermorny. Same sense of pride and value in education. Ilvermorny, however, isn't on the brink of another Wizarding War. So I supposed there's that."

"I've heard there's more secrecy in the US. Surrounding magic I mean."

"Not really. Not since they repealed Rappaport's law at least," Reign shrugged, "That was years ago though. Now we interact with No-Mages just like you do here."


"Muggles," Reign explained, "It's what they call them in the states."

Clara nodded and continued to eat her muffin as she mulled this over.

Reign was reaching for a piece of toast when a shock of white blonde hair caught her attention. Draco Malfoy hurried past them with two dim looking boys trailing behind him.

When he saw Reign he stopped for a moment and their eyes locked before he continued on.

"What was that all about?" Clara asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No idea," Reign shrugged, "He showed me to the common room yesterday when I lost Emaline and Peter."

She frowned, "Not like Malfoy to do something nice for no reason. You better watch out with that one."

Reign nodded, looking off in the direction Malfoy had disappeared in. Why was it that the more people warned her against him the more interested she became.

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