Chapter 2 - The Corridor

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After the Start of Term feast Reign left the Great Hall with a few of the Slytherins she had met. It turned out Peter was in his sixth year, as was his sister Emaline. They looked so much like each other she shouldn't have been surprised to learn they were twins. Both had strawberry blonde hair, paper white skin, blue eyes, and wide smiles. The only real difference was in height. Peter was taller while Emaline could only have been about 5'4.

Seeing them laugh and tease each other made her miss her brother Allistair. He was ten years older than her but they had always been close. When she was young he used to take care of her while her parents worked; he took her on trips to the beach or the movies once it got cold. After their parents died he had dropped out of school to take care of her. She would always feel guilty about him missing the end of his last year at Hogwarts. If she hadn't needed someone to look after her he could have finished school and gotten on with his life faster. Instead he had to pick up his life and move to the states, jump straight into a full time job and wait until she started her first year at Ilvermorny to even consider dating. He spent so much time caring for her that he never once thought about himself until he met Catherine. They got married last year; it was a gorgeous event and Reign was glad to have an excuse to visit Allistair.

Reign was lost in thought about her brother when Emaline called her name from down the corridor.

"Hurry up slowcoach!" she grinned, "You're going to need someone to show you where the common room is!"

The Slytherin common room was notorious for being impossible to find without being a part of the house. Reign hadn't even considered where it might be. She ran to catch up with the twins but they had already disappeared down one of the many sets of stairs at the end of the corridor.

"Damn," she swore under her breath and started searching the crowd around her for any sign of green robes.

"You look lost," a deep voice spoke from behind her.

She spun around and saw the boy from before. The one with the platinum blonde hair and the unreadable expression. Neither of those two things had changed in the hour since she had last seen him.

"I sort of am," she admitted, "No bloody clue where the common room is. Embarrassing for a sixth year I suppose."

"Going off your accent you're from Ilvermorny, yet you speak as if you've lived in England your whole life," he noticed.

"My parents," she looked down at her feet to hide her embarrassment, "They were from London. Actually, I was born there as well but my brother and I moved to the US when I was seven. Picked up the accent, but I still slip into English jargon once in a while. Old habits I guess."

He stared at her for a moment before asking, "Your parents didn't go with you? To America."

"No um," she sighed, "They died when I was young. A rogue Death Eater who had avoided Azkaban after the First Wizarding War broke into our house and well..."

She saw his expression change slightly at the mention of Death Eaters. It was almost as if a flash of guilt had crossed his otherwise stony features. It was gone too quickly to tell for sure though.

"I can show you where the common room is," he stated abruptly, turning on his heel and walking towards a door which lead to an ornate marble staircase.

She hurried to catch up with him, "Wait a second. I don't even know your name."

He stopped and looked at her. She was struck again by how much his eyes resembled storm clouds. They would have been beautiful if he didn't look so troubled all the time.

"Malfoy," he said finally, "Draco Malfoy."

She watched in shock as he started down the stairs. The name Malfoy was unmistakable and she suddenly realized why he looked so familiar.

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