The New Life

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Kopa POV
I woke with Vitani resting her head on my shoulder fast asleep. She has been sleeping alot more now that she is pregnant. It is almost time for the baby to be born. Malaika is probably the most excited out of us all.
"I can't wait to be a big sister I am going to teach them alot of things" she would say. Now she is asleep in the corner of the den. I looked outside at the morning sky everything was calm, it has been since the fall of wazimu.
Vitani woke slowly.
"Well look whose awake" I teased.
She chuckled slightly.
"Yeah and someone else is too" she referred to the cub "they sure know how to kick, definitely a boy" she teased back.
"Sooner or later you won't have to worry about that and our son will be here".
She smiled and so did I.

Kion POV
I woke to see Fuli's head resting against me. Hofu and Rani slept next to each other in the corner of the den. Cheka lay a short distance away from them. After the battle with Wazimu he sustained some scars on his face. He thinks everyone judges him because of them. Msomi lay alone in the corner. He has still depressed about Afya. Speaking of her no one has seen her since then. Fuli and I both hate the thought of her being alone. Fuli began to wake beside me.
"Good morning Fuli"
"Good morning lovey" she purred nuzzling me. I returned the gesture. She glanced over at Msomi.
"We got to find a way to pull him out of that depression, my heart aches everytime I see him like that" she said.
"I know but I don't know what to do".
I began to think about ways to cheer him up and I realized that the only way to cheer him up is by bringing Afya here and let them work out their differences. There is someone I know can help me track her and that's Kopa. He may not be the best hunter but here recently he has really been able to track down stuff. I licked Fuli's cheek.
"I'll be back, I am going to see if Kopa will help me track her down".
"Do you think that will work".
"I don't know maybe but it's a start"
I left the den and headed for Kopa's den.

Kopa POV
"So what are plans today Kopa" said Vitani.
"To stay right here and not go anywhere other than to help you".
"Kopa I told you I will fine, you need to go out and meet with your family"
"No because the cub while I was gone and I wouldn't be close enough to help".
She suddenly began to shift around and groan in pain. I looked at her.
"Kopa I think...I think".
"Okay stay calm...Malaika...Malaika wake up".
So woke slowly.
"What's wrong daddy".
"I need you to go get Rafiki and Makini right now".
"Why is someone hurt" she asked nervously.
"Well your about to be an older sister".
She smiled.
"Really okay" she ran out.
Vitani breathed harder and groaned more in pain.
"Hold Vitani they will be here soon".

Kion POV
As I was walking to Kopa's den I noticed Malaika running in my direction.
"Woah Malaika where are you going".
"To get Rafiki and Makini, I'm about to be a sister".
"Then go go go". I ran to his den. He sat next Vitani was breathing hard on the ground.
"Kopa I am here what do you need".
"Well there were those plants that were used to sooth pain but I can't remember what they are called"
I remembered them they were ones used for Fuli.
"I do, I'll be back". I ran out. They grew in the small patch of trees behind our den. Fuli came outside.
"Kion where are you going in a hurry" said Fuli.
"Vitani is having here cub, I'm finding that plant you used to sooth pain"
"Right boys you go help your father" she said as she ran to Kopa's den.

Kopa POV
Suddenly Makini and Fuli came in.
"Rafiki will be here shortly" started Makini "Do you have any willows".
"Kion is getting some" said Fuli.
"Alright Vitani I just need you to stay calm, relax, and breath"
"Okay" she said.
I nuzzled Vitani reassuring her that everything was fine. She smiled a little bit. Soon Kion came back with the willow.
"Heres some willow".
"Okay Vitani chew on this. It should help the pain" said Makini. She did.
"Rani, Hofu can you guys keep the kids outside" said Kion.
"Sure come on Malaika, Msomi" said Hofu.
Soon Rafiki came in.
"All right let's see what da problem is" he laughed "Just kidding okay I need everyone out please".
"I will be just out here Vitani".
Kion, Fuli, and I sat outside with the cubs. Malaika sat close to me. The others talked amongst themselves.
"Daddy is momma going to be okay".
"Of course sweetheart, your mother is strong". Msomi seemed in a better mood than he usually was. He actually seemed happy.
"Well congratulations Kopa" said Kion "For being the father of two".
"Thanks Vitani is sure it is a boy".
"Well trust me boys are a more difficult to raise" said Fuli.
"Hey" said Hofu, Cheka, and Msomi.
She laughed.
"I am only kidding" she said.
Simba and Nala soon came.
"Hey mom and dad" said Kion and I.
"Is she alright" said Nala.
"When we were last in there, she was" .
"How are you holding up son" said Simba.
"I am fine other than being worried about her".
"It's alright son she has been through this before, she will be fine".
"I hope so".
Soon Rafiki came out and we gathered around.
"How is she Rafiki, is the cub okay" I said.
"Yes and yes. It was a little more difficult this time for Vitani but she is okay although she still may be tired for a few days. Congratulation Kopa and Malaika you now have a son and brother".
"Can we see her" I said.
"Sure but only two at a time, don't want to harm the cub".
"Kopa you and Malaika can go first" said Simba.
We entered the den. Vitani lay exhausted with the cub between her front legs.
"Hey Tani how are you feeling" I said.
"My head hurts a little but other than that I'm good"
"What's his name momma" said Malaika.
"I was thinking Moyo".
I smiled.
"Moyo is perfect" I said. I lay down next to Vitani and so did Malaika.

Narrator POV
As the family lay asleep Moyo giggled and looked around his eyes gazed around the den in amazement.

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