The Caverns

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Afya POV
"Are you sure the caves are safe enough to walk through, I mean you did say they were controlled by Reath" said Cheka.
"That don't patrol them that often only when they are searching for someone other than that you may get the occasional hyena or traversing around. It is our only option. Msomi can't climb the mountain and going around will take an extra day".
"Alright we'll follow you Afya" said Cheka. I wanted help guide Msoni along but I was the only one who knew the way around. This tunnel should be easy, it's just straight from what I remember. I removed the rock and began making my way down. The others help Msomi down. It was dark than I remember but the light from the fungus should be able to guide us.
"Man it's dark down here how do we even see" said Aba
"Yeah Afya there is way less light fungus and sunlight here than back at the sanctuary" said Osmo. Besides the light fungus there glowing rocks that the hyenas used as landmarks and tunnel identifiers. We need to follow the red ones.
"Those rocks, the red ones. This is this tunnels color code".
"Why are the tunnels color coded said Cheka.
"I don't know they were just like this and the hyenas used the m navigate".
"Afya are you sure we should go through here these tunnels are unlike ones I have seen before" said Osmo. He was right but I have been through every tunnel here so I wasn't different for me. These tunnels were special. Unlike the ones in the pride lands these were empty with little square flat smooth rocks placed in a pattern on the floor and half way up the walls but just like the others weird fungus and rocks were abundant here.
"Everyone just stay close to me and remain quiet" I said. I began leading them down the tunnel. Cheka and Osmo kept Msomi steady and Aba watched our backs. The tunnels were quiet with the occasional water drip or what I assumed was water. It cold and breezless down here very ominous, at least at the Sanctuary the hole in the mountain let wind in. There was nothing here but darkness. Suddenly I heard voices in front of us, hyena scouts. I saw an opening in the wall next to us.
"Quickly in there" we entered a room dimly light by fungus.
"Everyone remain quiet" I said.
The hyenas passed having a conversation.
"Can the boss really trust this Ramir guy".
"He said he would help us with revenge".
"Oh yeah mr. I am going to revive the evil dead king what a joke".
"Well he did get info out of those pridelanders".
"Oh yeah some little hybrid fuzzball sho is said to be the chosen one of the hybrids pfft please if we see that twerp we can tear him apart hybrid scum".
"Right well we aren't after him were after his daughter".
They slow exited ear shot.
"Okay I think we're good".
"I think they know the prophecy now" said Osmo. Cheka stood up and bumped into something. A rolling noise could be hear then a quiet bang. A small cylinder that emits light hit the ground and activated shining it's light into the room revealing many odd skeletons in the room. Cheka almost screamed when he realized one skeletons hand was touch his back. Aba placed a paw over his mouth.
"Shhh Cheka" she said.
"What is that, some of skeleton" said Osmo. It had weird leaf like things hanging off it. The skeleton look almost like...
Suddenly Msomi spoke softly into my ear.
"A...human" he said.
"Wait he's right I've seen one before but not dead like this. Guess even they can be killed" said Cheka.
"Wait are these human tunnels like the Sanctuary" said Osmo.
"I don't but we don't have time to figure that out we need to go" I said.
They picked up Msomi and we headed down the track. The exit was the same it always has been a vine cover exit in the side of mountain over looking pride rock. We made it and Makini's tree directly below.

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