Truth and Fabrications

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Msomi POV
I joined Afya.
"Everything alright Msomi" she said.
"Yeah just scratch, got to wear this leaf wrap for awhile".
"Maddox and Acadia want to speak to tomorrow afternoon when you have had enough rest and something to eat come on I will show you where".
I followed Afya out of the medical den and into the feasting area.
"Here hunting parties go out and search for food to eat and bring it back here".
The food down here wasn't a prideland meal but it would last.
"After this you have seen everything".
"Why is it so small, the cave goes on for a long ways".
"I don't really know, I asked Maddox a long time ago and he just said something about monsters, come on we can eat in the den.
We went back to the den and ate. She leaned against me with her head resting on my shoulder.
"I never thought I would see you again after I left the pridelands Msomi."
I licked her face.
"We're together now" I said.
"Hopefully we can get them out of here"
"I hope so too, I don't know how they survived down here for so long"
"I don't know but they make it work".
There was a pause.
"I never really had the courage to say those things to you Msomi but I glad did anyway"
"Yeah me too it was hard ignoring what I felt so strongly about".
She leaned up.
"What do you mean"
"You mean everything to me Afya"
"That's...a bold thing to say...Msomi"
"When you and I had that spat I felt bad about myself, I thought maybe I should have done more. Everyday regretted saying what I had said. I missed you so much. Afya I would do anything for you"
She smiled and blushed. She licked my cheek.
"Thank you Msomi, I haven't felt this loved since mom was still alive. Your family have shown me what family is like. Msomi you have shown me what love is".
We both smiled. She laid her head back down on my shoulder and laid mine down on her head. We fell asleep. In my dream flashes of pain and suffering past my eyes. I almost couldn't take it. The pain felt so real wait was it real or am i
My eyes opened and I felt off. My throat was sore and my eyes were dry. I got up to get a drink careful not to wake Afya. Their watering hole was fairly large. I was the only one there. I kneeled down to take a drink to be awed how good their water tasted almost completely different from ours. I went back to the den where Afya was waking up.
"Yawn...Msomi why are awake so early".
"I haven't been for long I was just thirsty". I laid down next to her.
"Maddox and Acadia should be awake soon wouldn't want to keep them waiting". I lay my front left arm over Afya's back, leaned over and licked her ear. Afya hates anything touching her ears.
"They can wait a few minutes more" I laughed.
Afya playfully growled a little bit.
"Don't lick my ear Msomi" she laughed.
I continued to tease Afya and she laughed the whole time. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. After a few minutes Afya spoke.
"Come on Msomi we have to go see them"
We headed back to the king's den.
Maddox and Acadia were waiting.
"Your majesties"
"Ah young hero you have returned, Afya you gave him the tour correct" said Maddox.
"Yes sir"
"Okay well as you know Msomi you are the chosen one in our prophecy, you will save us all".
"Okay and how exactly, by leading you out of here".
"Not quite, you must save us from Hakimu's return".
"Yes Hakimu has chosen a body to posses, it is only a matter of time before he returns and when he does you must defeat him"
"And then we shall rise to the surface and reclaim our land".
"Ah well your land has been divide up in many different parts and besides there is another dominating force out there called humans, this mountain is near the pridelands"
"Like I said we will rise to the surface and reclaim what is ours and make those who aren't hybrids feel our wrath, we have been oppressed long enough. We will kill them".
This news hit me like a truck. They just want revenge for something that happened long ago, besides they are threatening my home, my family. Afya seemed nervous.
"Woah woah you can't kill them they did nothing wrong"
"All those who aren't hybrid aren't innocent Msomi". I was furious. I looked back at Afya.
"Afya did you know about this".
She seemed hesitant and nervous.
"Afya you knew".
"You knew they wanted to do this and you brought me here anyways".
"You lied to me just get me to come here didn't you".
"No I didn't lie to you Msomi I..." Afya said frantically.
I growled deeply then exited the cave.
I can't believe her. She just wanted me to come here and help, help them kill my parents. I went far away from the camp, back to Afya's spot. I laid down to clear my head. Soon Afya showed up.
"Msomi I..."
"They want to kill my parents Afya".
"And you knew and didn't tell me".
"Were you just lying to me to get mentors come here or did..."
"Msomi" Afya practically screamed "please let me speak, when they told me  that's what they wanted I didn't want their help either but they soon promised me that they wouldn't, thinking that they were sincere I agreed but after that I know they were just tricky me. Msomi I would never force you to kill your family and I wasn't lying to you Msomi I really love you" she said with her ears laid back, eyes drooping shyly.
I sat down next to her and let out exhale that led to a cough.
"I'm sorry Afya I know it wasn't your, I know you would never do that. Something just came over,"
"Like when you couldn't control your rage".
"Yeah like that, maybe I haven't yet" I said sadly drooping my ears. She nuzzled me.
"It's okay Msomi, it not your fault certain things can set it off and I should be the one to be sorry I should've told you a long time ago". I embraced her.
"So what do we do now"
"Well you still have to give them your answer".
"Will they attack us if I say no".
"I'm not sure".
"Well if things do go south then our only exit is the..."
"Front gate" said Afya
We headed back to them
"So Msomi you will help" asked King Maddox.
"No I will not". They were both shocked.
"And why not he" he said furious.
"I won't help you kill my friends and family".
"Yeah Maddox you promised me you wouldn't do that".
He growled.
"If you both wish not kill nonhybrids then you will die like nonhybrids... GUARDS".
"Afya let's go".
We ran out of the cave and toward the exit guards chasing us.
"Run fast Msomi this way". We took a detour to avoid more guards. As we neared the exit Osmo pounced on us both. He cornered us. Afya and I huddled together ready to fight.
"Wait guys I stopped you because I want to help, What my father wants is wrong and I want to help".
"How can we trust you Osmo after your father betrayed me" said Afya.
"Because I have been to the surface before a little and all the animals near by greater me with respect so I know he is wrong".
Afya and I looked at each other then back to him.
"Do you known a better way out"
"Yeah follow me".
Osmo was different than the others he was more like us but that doesn't mean trust him completely. We followed him down a long tunnel that lead out of the cave. Just out side the exit was Cheka and a female cheetah. What was he doing here.

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