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Msomi POV
I woke the next morning not feel as well as I had been but we needed to get home and I could still walk. My mouth felt dry as a desert, every swallow and breath felt like rubbing sand lined my throat. My eyes were dry as well. I let out a cough, it hurt a little. I noticed something on the ground that wasn't there before I coughed. Afya lay beside me, she must have heard me cough. She woke.
"Msomi...ugh what was that".
"Nothing" I choked out. I cleared my throat and spoke again.
"Nothing it was just me".
She looked at me.
"Are you okay" she said as she moved closer.
"I'm okay Afya".
"I don't think you are your voice is weak, your eyes are red, your body is overly warm".
"I'm fine Afya I promise" I said I licked her cheek.
"We should head home today" I said.
"Right there is a lot we have to discuss with Kiara and Kovu".
I coughed again as I got to see if the others were awake. Osmo stared me a little awe struck but he returned to his normal state and said.
"How far is your home Msomi".
"If we are in hurry a days journey". Cheka and Aba woke.
"We heading out" He said.
"Yeah" I said.
"Thanks again for letting me join you Msomi" said Osmo.
"No problem". We began to hurry to the pridelands there is no telling how much time we have until Ramir turns Uncle Kopa. We ran swiftly Cheka, Aba, and I having cheetah blood had to slow ourselves down to keep up with Afya and Osmo. The countryside was beautiful on the way back to the pridelands everything was calm and cool. I began to have this rising feeling in my chest slowly grew and grew. It got to the point where I could barely breath. I slowed down and so did the others. As I caught my breath I coughed.
"Msomi..." said Afya.
"I'm fine...I'll be back" I walked away to get a drink if water from a near by stram. I began to feel unnaturally warm, I felt like my body was on fire. The warming sensation caused me to cough more. The coughing, the pain in my chest, the inability to catch my breath, and the heat caused me collapse.

Afya POV
Msomi coughed and wheezed his way out of sight.
"Where is he going, is he okay" said Osmo.
"I don't he seemed off this morning but he told he was fine"
"Afya I don't think he is you should follow him, I will will scout ahead and make sure nothing is watching us or following us"
I ran in the direction Msomi had went.
He had walked his way through a thick patch of brush. As I was walking I noticed small and medium sized spots of blood on the ground and brush. I began to pick up pace all those symptoms that Msomi had I have seen before. I exited the brush into a clearing near the river. Just at the riverbank was Msomi passed out on the ground. I ran to him
"Msomi..." I said as I lay against him. I moved his body around he had the dark patches forming in his fur, the rashy skin, his face has become skinny, a ring of blood smeared around his mouth. Dark reddish circles formed around his eyes which were dry as a desert. His breathing was labored and filled with loud wheezing. Msomi had it...the uncurable disease that is killing the hybrids Known as Dawn Fever.

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