12) Deep connection

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The two girls sat down on April's couch. The silence was deafening. Neither of them wanted to discuss Katie but they knew they had no choice. Taylor was clearly shaken by what she had said and April wasn't going to let that slide.

"So, what did she say to you?" April stared into her girlfriends eyes. Taylor just looked down in her lap, playing with her hands. "Come on babe. You can tell me." Taylor looked up into April's eyes. She bit her lip harshly before sighing. Sadness all over her face.

"She said that you were a rebound. A detour from 'the main event.'" She air quoted.

"Am I?" Eyebrows raised high as she questioned the girl before her.

"No no no. Of course not."

"Then why did it get to you so much." She asked, stroking Taylor's upper arm.

"I... I don't know." She looked back down at her hands. "I guess it just... she got in my head. Made me think things that I know aren't true. I'm so grateful that I found you. That I have you as my girlfriend. I couldn't ask for anyone better." She looked back up at April and into her eyes.

April cupped Taylor's face, gently stroking her cheek with the tip of her thumb. Closing her eyes, she lent her forehead against Taylor's. Taylor's smile grew wide, as did April's. The simple act showed so much love and care. Both girls so comfortable in each other's company.

"You are the best thing to ever happen to me." Taylor whispered hovering over April's lips.

April closed the distance and took Taylor's bottom lip in her own. Their lips slowly moved together, sucking on each other's lips. April didn't deepen the kiss anymore. She was happy with a simple kiss that showed so much gentleness.

Taylor pulled away and reconnected their foreheads. She wrapped her arms around April's neck and pulled her into a warm embrace. April quickly reciprocated, rubbing her hands up and down Taylor's back. The silence between them wasn't awkward anymore. It was peaceful.

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" April asked nervously.

"I thought you were never going to ask." Taylor laughed.


The next morning they arrived at work early and staggered their entrance to the office to avoid questions. April went in first. She was grinning from ear to ear. Not something the people in that office were used to seeing. She was really happy with how her and Taylor's relationship was going. That talk the day before had really helped April to sort out her feelings for the blonde. It may have been Taylor talking the majority of the time but it allowed April to just think.

Her last relationship, with Andy, hadn't ended well. It ended after a talk like the one her and Taylor had had. Andy wanted kids. April didn't. That was the end of it. She had been happy with Andy but after that everything changed. The things she loved about him started to annoy her. His playful childishness was something she couldn't deal with anymore. She was sick of have to take care of him like he was her child. He wasn't ready for the adult world.

Taylor was different. She was smart, mature, confident and really hot. Also their deep talks ended with solutions and making up instead of April trying to solve everything by herself like they did with Andy.

She was happy. The happiest she had been in a long time. And it was all because of her new assistant. She loved her. Obviously, she wasn't going to tell Taylor that just yet. They still had the small issue of a certain ex girlfriend and Chris's stupid rule. But April could see herself being with Taylor for a long time.

The doors swung open and in walked Taylor holding two coffees. She saw April staring at her. She smirked and winked at her before going over to Donna's desk. Slowly, she placed a coffee on her desk and whispered something into her ear. April narrowed her eyes at her girlfriend's back. As if she had just got a coffee for Donna but not for her boss and girlfriend.

Donna laughed and Taylor turned around. The corner of her lip started to raise into a sly smile. She started walking over to her desk and sat down by April. She swung her legs up onto April's and sat back in her chair, still clutching the coffee.

"And you couldn't have got me a coffee?" April asked raising her eyebrows. Taylor just laughed. She got closer to her bosses ear and whispered.

"This is for you baby." She turned to look around the office to check no one was looking and placed a soft kiss below April's ear.

"What did I do to deserve you?" April whispered back as her smile grew wider. "I must have ended world hunger in another life."

"You're so cute." Taylor handed her her coffee. "But you are too mean to do something as thoughtful as that."

"You love it when I'm mean." She whispered seductively. Taylor sighed heavily closing her eyes. Just a few words from April were enough to send heat rushing to her core.

She suddenly sat up straight and slapped April's arm.

"Stop it. W... we are at work." Taylor was flustered.

"What babe? Did I get you all hot and bothered?" April was proud and wasn't going to stop now. She loved having her girlfriend at her mercy. Being able to reduce someone to this state with a few simple sentences was such an ego boost.

Taylor was extremely flustered by her boss. But she wasn't going to let her win that easily.

"If I was you, I'd shut up before I have to slam you on this desk and make you scream my name." She whispered then bit down harshly on April's earlobe.

April bit her lip to suppress the moan threatening in the back of her throat. Normally Taylor would just go bright red and have to leave the room when April was her usual seductive self. This was a new side to her girlfriend and April liked this dangerously flirty side. But it was unexpected and she didn't know how to respond.

"See. That wasn't so hard was it." Taylor sniggered before picking up her notebook to begin her work.

Taylor was loving being with April. Katie had really broken her. Their relationship hadn't been good. It was toxic at best but Taylor enjoyed the excitement to that. She wouldn't describe herself as a toxic person but she knew it wasn't just Katie making it a poor relationship. Her and Katie had been on and off for a few years but each time they 'split up' all it needed was a bit too much alcohol and a good party for them to be back for another few months.

When they finally properly split, it had taken Taylor a while to realise this truly was the end. She had tried to get Katie back but when Katie made it clear she was no longer interested, Taylor had to face the reality that she had to move on.

In that time she had realised that she had never truly been happy with Katie. Yes it was thrilling but it wasn't love and that is ultimately what everyone is searching for.

With April, she had all the elements of her relationship with Katie that she loved and so much more. April actually cared about her and made her feel good about herself. She didn't have to pretend to be something she wasn't because April wanted her just the way she was. That's how she knew April was what she needed. Someone to hold her and comfort her. Make her feel good when she is down or even when she is happy, make her feel even better. She had that in April. And that was why she loved her.

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