22) Blackmail

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"... You have to come shopping with me tomorrow!"

"Ew, no. That's so much worse than I could have every imagined." April replied as she wrinkled her nose as Ann's proposal.

"I'm going to get you to be my friend for one day."

"I'd guessed maybe you'd torture me in your basement and honestly, I'd prefer that."

"It'll be fun. And it means I won't tell Leslie about you and Taylor. You don't want that, do you?" Ann grinned wickedly.

"You actually are a witch."

"I'll take that as a yes." April groaned and threw her head back against the booth. "I'll pick you up at eleven o'clock tomorrow." Ann got up and began to walk off laughing to herself.

"Are you sure you don't wanna torture me instead?" April shouted after her. She grabbed a shot off of the table and downed it quickly. The liquid burnt in her throat but it was worth it if it meant she would forget the hell she was going to have to endure tomorrow.

"Hey." Taylor slid into the booth beside her. "I though we said we weren't drinking tonight?"

"Yeah but Ann Perkins is a pretty good reason to drink." Sensing April's discomfort, Taylor placed her hand on April's knee, rubbing small circles on the skin. She looked up to meet her eyes.

"What happened baby?" April sighed.

"Ann knows about us." Taylor furrowed her brows.


"She saw us kissing outside of her house earlier. She is blackmailing me." Taylor's eyes widened at the thought of this devious act. Maybe Ann really was an awful person.

"Do you want me to kill her?" April laughed sadly. "I'd do that for you. What is she making you do?"

"It's the worse thing imaginable. I have to go shopping with her tomorrow." Taylor began grinning at this statement. "It's not funny."

"Oh but it is." Taylor laughed. April slapped her arm playfully. "I'm sorry, it's just from what you were saying, I thought it was gonna be awful."

"It is awful!"

"Ok ok. I surrender." She held her hands up in the air. "I get why you are drinking now." She said sarcastically.

April sat with a beer in her hand, pouting. She really didn't like Ann. She couldn't give a rational reason why but she just hated her. And no shopping trip would change that. She hated shopping as is and now she had to go with the human equivalent of an avocado. Overly popular when really it's quite plain and boring and unimpressive.



"Would you come with me and Ann tomorrow?"

"Sure, but just check with Ann that that's ok. I don't want her spilling."

"Good point." April got up in search of Ann leaving Taylor sat alone. The club was really loud and hot. She could just about see Leslie and Tom still dancing, Ron had left as quickly as he could and Donna was dragging some man into the bathroom. She looked around a bit more until her eyes landed on her ex, Katie.

"Oh great." She sighed as the girl began walking over to her. She had managed to avoid her recently but she couldn't hide forever. Katie would eventually find her and it looked like it was that dreaded time.

"Hey Taylor. How are you this fine evening?" Katie smiled as she strolled over and sat down next to Taylor.

"My evening was going great. Until you turned up."

"Oh come on Tay, I'm just here to enjoy my night." Taylor just hummed. She would never trust Katie. She was always up to something.

April and Ann came back over to the booth. Katie remained sat, much to Taylor's dismay. Ann and April slid into their seats opposite Taylor and Katie. Katie looked Ann up and down as she sat in front of her, her eyes couldn't look away for the girl before her. But then she noticed who she was accompanied by.

"Oh, hi April." Katie said grinning deviously.

"Katie." April was not impressed at her sudden arrival.

"Hey, I'm Ann." Ann stuck out her hand in Katie's direction.

"Katie. Nice to meet you." She took Ann's hand in her own, shaking it politely.

"Yeah, likewise. So you're a friend of Taylor and April's?" Taylor scoffed.

"You could say that." Katie laughed. "How about I buy you a drink and we can learn more about each other?"

"Yeah. That would be great." Ann beamed and then got up with Katie. The pair strolled over to the bar and sat down extremely close to each other.

"Wow. That just happened." April laughed.

"I kinda feel bad. We should save Ann from that demon."

"I think they're perfect for each other. They are both awful people."

"Yeah but Ann isn't quite that level of awful."

"Ann isn't any level of awful." Leslie said as she stumbled over to the booth. "Where is beautiful Ann anyway?"

"She's at the bar with Katie."

"Who's Katie?"

"My ex girlfriend." Taylor sighed.

"Oh woah. Are you ok with that?"

"Yeah. I'm over her." Taylor said, grinning at April who had scooted round next to her girlfriend.

"Good for you. Let's go and do some more dancing!" She shouted grabbing both girls hands.

It was just Ann, Leslie, April and Taylor left at the club now. Ann was preoccupied by Katie leaving Leslie, April and Taylor to dance. They got onto the dance floor and Leslie was lost in her own little world. They all began dancing, April occasionally brushing her fingers over Taylor's sides. Taylor's skin prickling with goosebumps every time.

They had been dancing for a few minutes when April pushed her front up against Taylor's back and encircled her waist with her arms. Her breasts pushing into her assistants back. Taylor sighed deeply.

"April, we can't do this here."

"Leslie's so out of it. Come on babe." April began grinding her hips into Taylor's ass, swaying in time with the music.

"You're so sexy when you break the rules." April moaned as Taylor pushed her ass backwards further into her hips.

"You're making it so difficult for me not to fuck you right now." April breathed out.

"What's stopping you?" April's eyebrows rose and her lips curved upwards. "Let's go back to your place." Taylor said placing her hands on April's hips.

"Happily." She laughed, grabbing Taylor's hand and pulling her out towards the car.

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