Ch 9: Unexpected romance

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The three of us stayed a couple nights in the safe room before getting back on the road heading west. I assume we're heading to a possible safe zone. The marine hadn't said anything about where we were heading. Wouldn't even let the woman or I look at the map he kept on him all the time. Which was making me suspicious of him. He was always dismissive about us asking to see the map or where we're going exactly. I was surprised when the woman didn't seem suspicious of the marine at all. 'What is with these two?' As if just being around these two wasn't uncomfortable enough, now they were being suspicious. 'I gotta get away from these two. I don't like how their being suspicious.' I looked around the area as I followed the pair. There were too many things I could trip on in the road, not many safe places to hide, and with no woods near by to run into I couldn't try calling for the pack without being seen. There was also the fact that the marine could easily catch me if I tried to run. I sighed quietly to myself as I kept following the marine and woman. They remained silent for the most part unless they pointed something out to each other. They occasionally glanced back at me to make sure I was still following them. I wish I could've run away while they weren't looking but they would notice me gone before I could get out of sight. I would be asked a random question every once in a while when I was glanced at by them and I would quietly answer them with a vague response. They didn't need to know me other than by name.

      "I never got either of your names but you know mine." I finally spoke up after a long period of silence.

    "You're right. My name's Chester." The marine took my hand and shook it firmly.

    "Name's Cathrine." the woman looked at me but made no move for a handshake. I nodded at the both of them. If I'm gonna be stuck with these two I'd rather know their names than not know them at all in case of trouble. But knowing their names didn't make me any less suspicious of them based on their behavior. Maybe Cathrine was onto something about being so against me following her and Chester.

                                                                             ~Time Skip~

Either Chester or Cathrine have blessed good fortune from god, or it was pure chance, but we found a small safe zone that was hidden away in the Rocky Mountains. I had honestly believed that all safe zones had been overrun at some point in the six months since the outbreak. After a serious and thorough inspection by the guards and medics in the safe zone, we were let in and allowed to pick our own tent. Being around so many people made me uncomfortable since I still didn't like them. And now I really had no way to get away from Chester and Cathrine. Chester and Cathrine made me wander the safe zone grounds while they set up in the tent. The way they looked at each other made me not ask why and just wander off away from them. 'Why am I even still wanting to get away? The hunters likely aren't even looking for me anymore. And I'm somewhere safe. Why would I want to leave?' I grumbled under my breath as I walked and looked around the safe zone grounds. This prevented me from paying attention to where I was going though and I ended up running into someone. I apologized out of old habit as I looked up at them. A boy about my age, light brown hair, bluish green eyes, maybe almost 6 feet tall, was looking down at me. He was slender but I could see some muscle from what I assume, surviving the apocalypse.

     "Are you okay?" he asked me.

    "Y-yeah I'm okay." I replied feeling my cheeks heat up. Why am I blushing?

   "That's good. I'm Jacob. What's your name?" he pushed his bangs back with his fingers when they fell out of place.

   "Emiko... Nice to meet you Jacob." I awkwardly avoided eye contact with him as I didn't want him to see me blushing.

   "You as well. I like your hair." he reached forward and playing with my bangs some. I lifted my head looking him in the eyes.

   "Th-thank you." I could feel I was blushing more by how hot my face felt. I heard Jacob chuckle and I tilted my head at him. "What's so funny?"

   "Oh uh... I... I um... I think you're really cute." Jacob visibly blushed bright red as he pulled his hand away from my bangs and looked away from me. I felt my face flush bright red and I started fidgeting with my hoodie strings. Awkward silence fell between Jacob and I and we just shyly shuffled on our feet while trying to think of something to say.

   "I... um... I think you're pretty cute too...?" I finally stuttered out but it didn't seem to help the situation. Jacob turned tomato red but I could see a tiny smile on his face.

   "How about I show you around camp?" Jacob held out his hand to me. I felt I had been doing just fine wandering around on my own but maybe having someone who's lived here a while show me around wouldn't be so bad. I shyly took Jacob's hand while nodding yes to his question. He giddily started showing me around the camp, explaining the different sections, jobs people do around the camp, the system of the tents, when meal times are, when curfew is, etc. I listened to him closely so I could follow the camp's rules and avoid trouble. It was dinner time when my tour with Jacob ended. I could smell the food and it made my mouth water as my stomach growled loudly.

    "Lets go get dinner together." Jacob started pulling me toward the mess hall tent where everyone was gathering to eat. I wasn't sure how I felt about eating with someone but I followed Jacob into the mess tent since he still had a hold of my hand. He let go of my hand when we got in line to get our food. I saw Chester and Cathrine further up in the line and saw that Cathrine was staring at me and Jacob. She said something to Chester, who looked back, smiled at me then resumed talking with someone else in front of him. Jacob looked at me before asking me the question on his mind at that moment.

   "Do you know those two?" he asked while looking at me. I nodded my head yes.

   "I came in with those two. They found me in a park after I nearly drowned in a lake." I hadn't meant to let that part slip out but it was too late now.

   "You nearly drowned?! Are you alright?" Jacob suddenly looked at me full of worry. I looked back at him slightly bewildered.

   "Yeah I'm alright. Chester gave me CPR." I tried my best to assure Jacob I was just fine. He backed off after I told him that nothing was wrong with me after nearly drowning. However he kept close to me for the rest of dinner and the evening. Something that threw me for a loop. We had a decent conversation during dinner while we ate, and there was some flirting involved. I didn't realized it until way later. And after dinner he walked me to my tent. Chester and Cathrine were nowhere too be found in the tent so Jacob stayed with me in the tent and talked more with me. I actually enjoyed talking with him. He made it easy to open it up, except about the part that I lived with a pack of hunters. That part will be kept confidential and private.

   "Hey can we hang out more? I think you're the most entertaining person in this camp." Jacob rubbed the back of his neck nervously while looking back and forth between me and the ground.

   "I... I would like that." I smiled at him. I liked being around Jacob. He made me feel comfortable and it was a relief from the anxiety I felt being around so many people. And he was cute... 'Do I have a crush on this guy?' The very thought made my face light up like a Christmas tree. 'I just met him, I can't have a crush on him. I'm just feeling all warm and fuzzy because I'm happy for once... Right?' I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked at Jacob. He was smiling at me again and I felt myself smile back instinctively.

   "Then I'll see you tomorrow. I have a job you can do with me to earn your keep." Jacob stood up from my cot as he said this.

   "What's the job?" I asked tilting my head at him. He only smiled at me and replied with,

   "You'll see. I'll come get you in the morning so we can eat breakfast together then head over. If you want." His tone sounded excited, which made me even more curious.

   "Yes. I do want to eat breakfast with you." I giggled at him because he was actually adorable acting all excited. He chuckled and bid me good night, leaving the tent as Chester and Catherine walked in saying curfew was in about half an hour. I hit the hay early because I was exhausted, but I fell asleep with a smile on my face and a pleasant fuzzy feeling in my chest.   

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