Ch 12 The hunters come to collect

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Jacob looked at me shocked from my answer. His mouth opened and closed like a gold fish as he tried to think of something to say. I waited patiently like he did with me. Eventually he found his voice again and found the words he wanted to say.

     "I.. I uh... You... You want me to go with you if you choose to leave?" He seemed like he had been expecting a different answer. I nodded to his question and he sat back running a hand through his hair. I finished off my breakfast while I waited for him to process things. People started leaving the mess hall as they finished their food and returned their trays. The noise of the mess hall quieted down as more people left until Jacob and I were the only ones left sitting in the mess hall.

    "We'll be later for work if you just sit there and stare at me dumbfounded. Finish your food and lets go. You can tell me what you think later." I got up from the table and returned my tray. Jacob followed shortly after me, after he had scarfed down the last of his breakfast. We left the mess hall and raced each other to the sniper's nest we were stationed at for the day. The specials team did rotations through the sniper's nests around the camp so each team took care of a different direction every day. Today Jacob's and my team had the west sector. We climbed up the ladder into the nest and joined the others of our team, grabbing and readying our rifles. Things were quiet which was unsettling. Everyone was on edge and scanning around as they looked through their scopes for anything at all.

     "Is anyone else getting a bad feeling?" I finally broke the silence with a whisper. I only got nods from everyone. I felt my stomach churn and I thought I would throw up my breakfast. I felt nauseous and my stomach felt like it was about to start doing flips. The silence was thick and it was sending chills right through me. I hadn't felt this afraid of the silence since I got to the camp. But now the familiar fear was rearing its ugly head and I was beginning to have a difficult time focusing and keeping my breathing steady. Then an all too familiar roar split the silence like a sharp knife through flesh. I nearly dropped my rifle as my blood ran cold and I went pale as a ghost. I knew that roar. There was no mistaking it. I found it as source of comfort when I heard it while in trouble. Now it was the opposite as I didn't know what the hunters were planning. I was afraid they would hurt the people. I listened as the pack made their way toward the front gate and I quickly set my rifle down. I dropped from the nest and sprinted to the gate, hearing but ignoring Jacob shouting my name as he ran after me. Other people working around the camp were confused and I could already hear guards posted at the front gate shouting and arming their guns to fire. I started to panic as I ran and I started shouting.

     "Stop! Don't shoot them! STOP!" I stopped at the front gate panting from the run. The guards looked down at me confused. I heard the hunters make noises in response to my voice on the other side of the gate. The guns were immediately trained back on them and they all growled in response to the cocking and clicking of the guns. The head of the camp, who I had never met, much less had even seen, suddenly appeared and stormed up to the gate, or more specifically, me.

    "What in san hell is going on here?! Why the fuck haven't any of you shot those hooded fuckers dead yet?!" he yelled. He wasn't looking at me since his attention was currently on the guards of the gate. The guards simply looked down at me with glares. The head of the camp looked down at me with a glare and he grabbed me by the front of my jacket. His grip was so tight he almost made my shirt cut off my air. He got close to my face and made me squirm with the invasion of personal space and the god awful smell of his breath. My obvious discomfort seemed to amuse him because he sneered at me. "Well well well. Missy you just got yourself in a shit load of trouble unless you explain yourself." He practically spat in my face with very other word. I gulped my stomach going full blown nauseous as I realized I would have to tell EVERYONE, what I told Jacob only 24 hours ago. I felt my throat clench and I gasped for air.

    "Let her go Chuck! She can't breathe!" Jacob grabbed Chuck by the shoulder while glaring daggers at him. Chuck snickered and dropped me like a sack of potatoes. I coughed as I caught my breath and staggered back onto my feet. Jacob rushed up to me and had me lean on him while I focused on getting my breathing under control. Everyone was staring and that wasn't helping me stay calm. I felt so exposed and it was more terrifying than a tank rushing at me with a car in his hands ready to be thrown. Or a startled witch screaming at me as she tries to dig her claws into me on the ground. I could hear everyone murmuring amongst themselves as they waited for me to explain myself. Jacob was the only one who was telling me everything was okay. Even though things were far from okay. Chuck paced as he waited for me to explain why I stopped the guards from shooting the hunters sitting outside the gate.

    "I lived with those hunters for 6 months after the outbreak... I was part of their pack! I still am! That's why they're here. They want me." No more details than what was given were needed. I heard collected gasps and I wasn't sure if they were of disbelief or disgust or both.

    "Hold the phone. You're joking right? There is no way in hell you survived from the help of FLITHY infected!!!" Chuck jabbed his finger into my chest with he called the hunters filthy. He started to laugh after that. A loud, belly powered laugh that echoed through the camp. I growled low in my throat the old, sounds I figured out how to imitate from the hunters coming out again. It wasn't loud so the only person who heard it was Jacob since he was closest to me. I felt him move away slightly as I glared right as Chuck, trying to keep my composure.

    "It's true. Every bit of it. And I can prove it." I snarled at Chuck loud enough to make him stop laughing. He looked me dead in the eyes before getting right at eye level with me.

   "Is that so little girl. Well then. Prove it then you little shit." He stayed right in my face. He was daring me to something. Anything. Jacob pulled me back from Chuck, whispering to me not to do anything stupid. Chuck started to laugh again. "What's the matter sweetie? Hunter got your tongue? Or is your little boyfriend here got you whipped already?" Some people actually chuckled at this. Others looked between Chuck and I waiting for something to happen.

   "I'll give you proof you fat piece of shit." I growled before inhaling deeply and letting out a screech so loud everyone covered their ears. The hunters hopped the gate pouncing on the guards and pinning them to the ground. Everyone that didn't get pinned ran away while shouting. Jacob fell back onto his ass as stared wide eyed as the alpha of the pack pounced and pinned Chuck. I glanced to my right and saw Chester and Cathrine staring with their mouths slack jawed. I looked away from them and back at Chuck on the ground. "There's your proof." Some of the hunters that hadn't pinned anyone came up to me. I turned my attention to them. "Go find my bag and supplies." They nodded and ran off. I walked to Jacob and helped him up to his feet. "My hunters have come collect me. You have a choice to make. And I want you to know I'll respect whatever you choose." I was about to turn away from Jacob and walk away when he grabbed my hand. I looked at him.

   "I want to go wherever you go." Jacob made it clear that was his choice and that I didn't have to ask him if he was sure. The hunters growled at him but a glare from me shut them up. The alpha only looked between Jacob and I before simply nodding his head.

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