Ch 5: Choices can hurt anyone, including yourself

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Breezy helped Jasmine to her feet and then wandered over to the car where Da'Nitta was waiting. All three of them took one last look at me before climbing into the stock car and speeding off, crashing through the front entrance of the mall. The sound of the speeding vehicle dimmed until it was out of hearing range. I suddenly felt a painful sting of guilt in my chest. I dropped my katana, and sunk to my knees with my head lowered so my bangs hid my mismatched eyes. Tears began to fall for I could no longer hold them in. I was just doing what was best for the pack. But I didn't think my choice would hurt so much! Sobs began to escape my lips, as I realized I made a terrible mistake. I fought with one of my best friends just because of my stupid choice to stay with the pack of hunters. I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. Not caring if I was loud and attracted infected within the area, I screamed at the top of my lungs, crying even harder. Why was I such an idiot?! Why did I fight with a close friend when I could've gone to safety with her?! Why did I make that mistake?! I heard a horde roar, at the loud, high pitched, sorrow-filled, sound of my scream. Maybe I should just let them kill me. I died on the inside just moments ago, so dying physically would take that agony away right? The horde charged, the sound of all the commons sprinting feet echoing in the building. I felt myself lifted bridal style into one of the hunters' arms. I showed no response to being carried as the pack all made a mad dash for the exit, escaping successfully. The horde I summoned, was left in the dust so-to-speak. Those brain dead zombies may be fast, but they're not fast enough to keep up with hunters. I silently cried on the way to a safe area where the commons and specials wouldn't find me, or the pack. I couldn't bare to look at any of the pack, so I kept my sight covered by my hands, just letting all my tears free. My close friends most likely hate me with every fiber in their beings now. This thought made my emotional agony even worse, and I had to choke back another scream. Though sobs of pure sadness and hurt were escaping my throat. I sounded just like a witch, which must've freaked some of the pack out because they made small frightened noises. I paid them no mind, finding more comfort in my heart broken sorrow. The alpha, who I had guessed was the one carrying my sobbing figure, purred at me, in an attempt to stop my crying. It helped a little bit, but not to the point where I actually stopped. I felt like I would lose my sanity if I stopped crying before I was ready. Eventually my sobs quieted to small hiccups, and then I went completely silent. The tears were the only things still going. I didn't say anything, I didn't move a muscle, I didn't even lift my lowered head. My mind was to preoccupied with a simple two word phrase, that I wished I could say to my friends even if they don't forgive me. I'm sorry...

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