Chapter Three: Angel

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Looks like I'm gonna need to go home for the day, I say looking through my bag.  I don't have any clothes to change into, the only thing I have is my workout clothes.  I really do not want to change into that, and plus the school wouldn't even let me anyways.  We are only allowed to wear extremely short shorts in P.E and dance class.  I would get dressed coded and probably be told to change.  It's better if I just go home early.  Gosh why did I have to get juice covered all over me?

Well, I don't want to go to my other classes considering she's in both of them.  Then again I don't think she'll bother me much after what Jimin did.  I have to thank him, though of course I think what he did was a mistake.  I slam my locker and check the time.  Two hours left of school then my part time job starts.  I can go home, change, and chill for a while.  I leave the campus and start hopping my way home.

Not because I was happy but because it was something fun to do.  When I made it to my house I unlock the door and go in.  Getting out of my juice stained clothes and into some comfy sleepwear.  Sighing I go upstairs and fall on my bad setting a timer to get up.  Maybe I can sleep for an hour.  I glance out my windows at the beautiful scenery.  Though it's not perfect weather it's still nice.

I mean it's Fall so some of the plants are dying.  I close my eyelids, enough with all this thinking all I want to do is sleep.  The alarm rings in my ears as usual telling me to get up from my nap and go to work.  When I got up I get changed into my Waitress outfit.  I work at a coffee shop down across my street serving coffee to tables.  It gets ok amount of money for being a part time job.  I grab the keys and leave.

Arriving I seem to be right on time exactly.  As I work, the day is basic nothing new or strange.  My last table to serve and I can go home.  Weird how time flies by really fast?
"Sir your order!" I say setting a macchiato on the table.
"Thank you miss." He says staring at me intensely.  Is there something wrong with me?

I turn to leave but get stopped before I do.   "Do you perhaps know someone by the name of Park Jimin?" He asks rather oddly.  I look back at him quite surprised.  I'd be lying if I said no.
"Yes, he is my classmate." I replied.  He nods his head drinking from his cup.
"How did you know I knew him?" I say suspiciously.

He chuckles with a tsk sound.
"He tends to leave a trail behind everywhere he goes." I furrowed my eyebrows confused.
"Are you saying he left something with me?  I don't have anything of his." I say tilting my head.
He chuckles again, "Not something necessarily physical."  I stare even more confused when he emphasized the word physical.  This guy isn't making any sense!
"So your saying he left his scent on me?" I blurt out.

I see him smirk as he stands up.  Did he finish his coffee already?
"That's pretty close." He says blankly leaving the store.  I stand there completely dumbfounded.  You know what I'm going to go home now and just forget about this.  I take off the apron leaving with the rest of my uniform.  While walking home all the words are still playing in my head.

I bend my head down and sniff my arm.  I smell like me with a hint of something else.  Is that what he was talking about?  But how would you even smell that?  I shrug my shoulders.  Just brush it off.  When I'm outside my house I lift my hand to grab the handle but something stops me from doing so.

A deadly urge to go to the woods I was in yesterday though I almost got eaten alive.  What is wrong with me?  My body was magnetized to go there.  I mean I don't blame myself, it is a beautiful forest but you would think after almost dying you would not want to come back.  I guess my mind and heart are two different things.  My feet drag on the ground walking to the forest.  It's the same as yesterday.

I expect it wouldn't change in one day and I'm glad it didn't

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I expect it wouldn't change in one day and I'm glad it didn't.  I sat back down in the same place as yesterday.  Like I said I come here everyday and I don't know why.  Taking a deep breath in I reach for my notebook in my bag that I carry around everywhere.  Where!?  Where is my notebook, it's not in my bag!  I never take it out unless..., did I drop it when I was running last night?

I must have.  I slowly stand up and look around my surroundings.  This place is so big and last night it was dark, where do I even look?  Let's see retrace your steps Lily.  Umm, I remember this tree that had a craving on it.  I sigh.  Baby steps I guess.

I head to the location that I think the tree with the craving was.  Around here somewhere.  Aha ,I found the tree!  I then hear this howl like sound.  I quickly look up to the sky, it's not that dark.  Are there wolves out again?  I gotta find my book quickly.

The howl comes again.  Wait a minute, that doesn't sound like multiple.  It sounds like only one and it's close by too.  Why am I walking towards the sound!?  Do I even control my body at this point?!  My legs are slightly spiriting towards the howling.  I turn a corner and what I see actually makes me sad.

A beautiful white wolf.  Almost angel like.

It's the one I saw last night but this time something is different

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It's the one I saw last night but this time something is different.  The wolf injured its front leg.   I saw it whimpering and howling.  Without thinking at all I rush up to aid it.  I fall on my knees next to it examining its arm.  I whipped my head around in every direction to find something to help it.  I stare at a plant planted into the ground.

Doesn't that herb cure infections?  I know it's not infected but if I put that on the arm and then wrap something around it, maybe it will heal faster?  Not only that but just Incase it gets infected.  I Pluck the plant gently placing it on the arm then getting a cloth I kept in my bag to wrap around the wound.  Good thing it's only a cut.  After I'm done I finally look up to the wolf, who surprisingly hasn't growled at me once.  The wolf's eyes are a very pretty deep ocean blue.

I feel like I have seen these beautiful eyes before.  I don't know where?  Standing up steadily and sprinting off fast, because even though the wolf hasn't growled or tried to bite me doesn't mean it won't.  Now that the wolf is healed I can finally go back home.  I pick up my bag heading out of the woods again.  Already behind my house I realize I forgot to look for my journal again!  It's getting too dark I'll just have to come back tomorrow, even though I know I will probably come here anyway without reason.

I finally get into my house after a tiring day even though I have been here already two times today.  But I'm just so tired and want to sleep.  I heated up myself some ramen that I got from the Convenient store.  After eating I change out of my uniform, that yes I have been wearing since work, and go to bed.  The only thoughts on my head while resting in bed was with that weird urge I had today.  The urge that made me go into the forest, made me sit down there, follow the howling, and to help a wild wolf.  Man what is wrong with me?

That wolf was absolutely gorgeous, the way it shimmered.  It was so white and fluffy.  It's eyes that was the best part, so blue and mesmerizing.  Wanting you to dive in and never come out.  That wolf could almost seem like an angel from far away.  Little to know it is actually a beast that kills other animals.  Then again I guess us humans aren't any different from them, huh?

I slowly drift off into sleep thinking about this and this only......

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