Chapter Six: Mistakes

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The girl is sobbing in so much pain.  She hates this place, that is because of something that is evil.
"Please leave me alone," She implored sniffling.  Someone snickers to her plead.
"Aww so sad, how about no?" I say raising an eyebrow.  Yup there's the old me, the evil that I know so well.  I know this day so well because it haunts me, the day I lost two things.  One important and one not at all.

In reality I haven't lost either of them.  My old friend, Ria, lifts the girls head forward and releases it making her slam against the locker.  That must hurt, i'm sorry.  Of course the old me wouldn't feel anything while this was happening.  The poor girl on the ground, still crying holding her head while she is stained with juice from the cafeteria.  I wasn't lying when I said I deserved it when Ria poured the juice over me.  I chuckle, "Loser can't handle a little bit of hit?  Get up fucking bitch!"

The girl just continues to cry as I hear the bell ring.  Me and my 'cult' of friends rolled our eyes and walked away ignoring the girl who is just wailing from what we had done previously.  I of course wait for my dad to come pick me up while I talk to one of the boys I would play with.  My dad stops by the parking lot with an expensive car that anyone would want.  I don't.  Not anymore.  There is only one thing I want in this world, and I'll never get it.

I get in the car and spot the girl coming out of the school.  I laughed at her miserable state.  My head shifts to my dad who was looking at me disappointingly.  I snicker, "start driving!" I demand him.  He sighs looking down sad.  When the car starts he finally speaks.
"You need to stop that," He says keeping his eyes on the road.
I scoff, "she deserved it, she was a slut!"

His eyes dart over to me with a glare.  I look away from his stare.
"Look at me!" He asks raising his voice slightly.  I shift my head and send him a glare as well.
"What the hell do you what, scold me?  Tell me to not do it?  Well guess what, I won't stop.  Those losers at school deserve it.  They are all wimpy bitches!" I growl loudly.

"They are all sluts that should just die and-" I immediately stopped talking.  I remember this.  The loud slap sound that silenced the car.  That's right my dad slapped some sense into me?  I wish....
"L-Lily, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean t-to strike you." He said ignoring the road and looking at me concerned.

  "Just fuck off, I hate you!" I yelled at him.  He looked shocked and when he turned back to the road then next thing I know is, "Lily!" And the world stopped for a minute.  Everything slow motion but also so fast, the car flipped completely upside down.  He got out of his seat and protected me.  After that, all I heard was glass breaking, my screams, and then silence.  My eyes were blurry, hasy, I turn and that sight welcomes me again.  One of the reasons I have nightmares every single day.

My dad with a part of the windshield impaled him through the stomach.  Him oozing blood out of his mouth.  I start crying and screaming incoherently.  My dad was alive for a little while.
"Lily d-don't be like them, the little girl I had raised, she is still there.  Don't-" He didn't finish as he fainted.  Why....?  The loss of blood, we had been staying there for what seemed like hours, hanging unconscious.

When I got out I was perfectly unharmed only scratches, he shielded me.  I wailed and shrieked frantically.
"NO, NO!  PLEASE, please...." I sob with my voice cracking.  When my eyes finally open I was covered in sweat and tears.  I fall off the bed roughly.  Once down on the floor I hold my knees and just cry.

Why?  Why does it still haunt me?  I know, it's my fault, the reason she died, the reason he died, everything I have ever done in my life.   I deserve this karma, I'm not dying because I'm keeping their promise, plus if I have to live in this torture then it's perfectly even.   The thought and images pop into my head.
"Ahhhh! Go away!  Please, stop!" I scream holding my head and bawling in tears.

So many things I can't undo.  So many mistakes that could have saved them.  If only I was never even born in the first place! I hate it!  I hate what I did!  I hate my mistakes!  I hate me!

*Autrhor note*
In case I wasn't that clear, this was a nightmare she had of her when she was younger and got in a car accident with her father.  Btw I'm sorry for any errors in my chapters/story.  Also the pictures I put in these chapter are obviously not mine lol.

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