Chaptee Five: Mate

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I smell something I love. Something that reminds me of something I lost. Something that brings me to my utopia. Orchid flowers. My eyes flutter open. A decorative room that looks comfy. But it's not my room.

I sit up quickly and I whine from this throbbing pain I feel from my head. I remember what had taken place but it doesn't shock me as much as it would. Maybe it does but my head just hurts so much that it doesn't matter at this point. The door swings open and I spot Jimin. He looks a little uneasy. He just stands there awkwardly waiting for the silence to be broken. So many things were running through my head, though of course I wasn't surprised.

I guess we both don't know what to say? I know his secret and I guess he's scared that the secret will be released. I won't tell anyone though. I'm the first to break the silence, "I won't tell anyone." He smiles slightly walking towards me.
"I know. It's nice." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What's nice?" I question tilting my head.

He strides to me and sits on the bed near me.
"Now I can finally get some sleep," he adds a chuckle to the end. I'm even more confused.
"Sleep?" I inquired.
"Well it's kind of hard to sleep when your m-,"He smirks cutely. When your what? He didn't finish.

"Are you gonna finish?" I ask. He just chuckles and shakes his head.
"I bet you're very confused, just know that I will try to answer your questions as much as I can. And about the thing I was about to tell you, well you'll find out soon." He smiles warmly picking something off of the vanity table. Oh, those were the orchids I smelled earlier. But how could I smell them that far away and while I was sleeping. He skips to me and hands the flower to me.

I take it a little surprised at the fact he remembered my favorite flower and happy at the same time. Glancing down at them and taking a sniff, I try to think of questions to ask him. Like the eye color, or well pretty much everything. I lift my eyes and he stares at me scooting closer to me on the bed. While he's doing that I look into his eyes, they are the normal blue. He chuckles.
"My eye color changes based on mood." He says with a playful expression.

Did he just read my thoughts? I never knew werewolves could do that?
He laughs, "don't worry I can't read your mind. It's just mates tend to know things, especially if they look into each other's eyes." He finished locking his eyes with mine. Mates, what's that? "What does each color represent?" I inquire. He sighs and within a split second his eyes change to a grey.

"Grey means sadness, worry, Emptiness, or loneliness. Blue means sadness too but that's my natural eye color so instead it turns grey." He finishes changing it to a green and then smiling. "Green is happiness and joy, if someone has a natural green eye color then it just turns to a lime green." He voices, changing it to a pink. "Pink is a rare color but it represents love, lust, affection, and a wanting." I nod my head in understanding. He gulps and then changes it to a yellow. "Yellow can be jealousy, anger, irritation, and in the worst case possible when you have no more control over your body...." He quickly changed his eyes back to blue while I tilted my head.

"What do you mean by that?" I question making him tense up.
He voices softly, "Sometimes we can't always control our wolf, it may take control of us and we have no say in what it does." My eyes slowly wandered to the ground. What if that ever happens? What if he ends up doing something he doesn't want to. I feel sorry for werewolves, people may think of them as scary monsters from fairy tales but I see them as people just like me. We both have the same wanting to live in this world and be apart of something. In reality there just people that were born this way and had no say in the matter.

My thoughts get interrupted by Jimin.
"Oh and reddish orange is pure rage, madness, it can show bloodshed, danger, and/or massacre. If you ever see a wolf with red eyes you have to run as fast as you can, ok?" I nod my head. A thought crosses my mind, didn't he have that eye color? The image pops into my head of him making me go flying backwards. I shiver slightly, he would never hurt me on purpose though, right? I then feel someone rest their hands on mine making me look up.

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