Chapter Eleven: Connections

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The school day ended without any problems or run'ins with the ice queen Ria, though of course I can't really talk about her that way, she used to be my friend.  I used to be worse than her in fact.  I guess the only difference between us is I actually woke up from that nightmare, changed for the better.  Wait.....when did I start thinking like this, more positively?  It must have been Jimin, he's been changing everything, every aspect of my life, making me think differently, act differently and open up more.  Who knew right?  I walked to the front of the school exit with my backpack loosely hanging on my shoulder.

I was greeted by none other than Jimin himself, waiting for my period to be over.  Gosh, he's almost no different than a stalker.....
'Oh, Lily I-" He tried waving to me but before he could finish I interrupted, "yoooooo" I immediately slapped myself.   Godamit, yeah you found out you have a crush on him why the hell am I so awkward?!  Jimin stared at me with a confused face before bursting into laughter.
"When did we start saying yooooo?" He exaggerated the word with a grin on his face.  I just stood there face redding by the second.

"Haha, I don't know, we going to practice today yeah?  Okay, let's go!" I fumbled quickly walking off without him and as I heard him laugh even more.  Stop laughing at me asshole!  Gosh, what's wrong with me?!  Why am I acting different?!  I don't like it, gosh why can't I just be alone?!  The whole rest of the way was silent surprisingly, except this time the silence felt awkward.  We arrived at his house and he opened the door for me to be greeted by the other members of the pack.

"Lily!" I saw Hoseok yelling excitedly seeing me enter before running to give a hug.  I was taken off guard by the hug so I almost tripped over my own feet.  I was surprised to see that, I didn't think they cared for me or maybe it was because I'm Jimin's mate?  I released from the hug and looked around to the boys, they seemed to be playing a game in the living room.
"Ah, Lily you want to join in?  It's multiplayer." Jungkook voiced a grin on his face.  Jimin comes up behind me and puts a arm around my shoulder before I could respond.
"She doesn't like hanging around people who she's not comfortable with, aka strangers." He stated rudely as I stared confused.

I mean he wasn't wrong, I didn't but what I also don't like is others making decisions for me.  He grabbed my arm and took me to the practice room we were at before.  Woohoo more time for dancing, that was sarcasm.
Jimin turned around to me with a wide smile on his face, " When we preform our dance we should wear like matching outfits or costumed!" He excitedly clapped his little hands together.  I stared at him a dumbfounded look.
"But we're not a couple!" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ah yeah I know, but we can wear them JUST for our preformance," He replied as I sighed, "It's for a grade, not a talent show Chim!" I said before starting to stretch.  I saw the corner of his lips turn up.
"Okay, okay we won't my mate," He said putting his hand on top of my head.  I felt my cheeks get inflamed so I swatted his hand away.  "Let's practice!" I voiced just wanting to leave and go home.  Why am I even hanging around him to begin him, it was just a couple days ago I was alone sad and didn't have any friends.  We consider each other friends?  I'm not sure.

I know that I have a little crush on him but maybe if I were to stay away from him I'd go away and things could go back to normal.  Is that what I want though?  Having Ria tournament me everyday, having nightmares about dad every night.  I did deserve that all though, even if jimin told me to not blame myself that wouldn't change so easily I mean both of my parents died because of ME, I made Ria a bully because of ME.  I've even broken boys hearts, hurt and bullied girl students at my school, so in a way I DO deserve anything that comes my way.  But I feel so damn lonely.  Am I being selfish for wanting to be happy?  Being selfish for wanting a connection with Jimin, maybe even a relationship?  I shake my head and snap out of my thoughts.

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