Chapter Seven: Aloof

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Jimin's POV

There is nothing to watch on TV, everything has become so boring when she is not around. I try flipping the channels but ended up not finding anything. I got frustrated and hurled the control at the wall. The remote ended up shattering into multiple pieces, as well as intending the wall slightly.
"Ah! Break something again and I'll kill you Jimin~Shi!" I shift my head and see the maknae.
"Shut up fucking Delta!" I bark back at him. He growls and stomps over to me.

"I don't like that name, how many times do I have to tell you Beta!?" He retorted to me. I don't like being called Beta, well unless it' by the Alpha. He grabs me by my collar. We were about to start our fighting like we always do when suddenly we get stopped.
"Mess up my sleeping time and I'll kill you all!" I hear the Omega, Yoongi, shout from upstairs. Me and Jungkook immediately stop are fighting. Good thing that the Alpha is out on Patrol for tonight or else me and Jungkook would have been punished greatly.

It is just me, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi in the house.  Pretty weird that he didn't take me because I am the Beta but then again I went on last nights one.  Ugh, I have to be stuck with the Omega, Delta, and Zeta.  Jungkook taps my shoulder making me whip my head around to him.  Why is he suddenly serious?
"You know you have always been aggressive, that's just the way you are, but recently it has been worse especially when Lily is not here.  Then when she is you are like the happiest I have ever seen you, I can see that, but you never show it. Why?" He voiced sitting on the couch beside me.

It makes me slightly shocked that he realized, but I just sighed deeply.
"Jungkook I can't show it because she has an invisible barrier, to distant.  She can laugh and get close to me but I still don't know her and I can't do anything.  I'm happy when just seeing her and I just want to smother her but I can't because she won't let me.  Weather it be physically or mentally, she has a wall."  With every word I said it was getting more aggressive. "That's why I get angry!  I just wish she could feel what I feel but she doesn't, she just sees me at most as a friend," After I finish I whimper holding back tears.

Jungkook was worried so he patted my back gently.  Sure we fight a lot but we are still brothers.  I huff a big breath after letting a bunch of stuff off my back and stand up to go to my room.  Once I stand up though the room suddenly fades to black.  Oh no what's happening this time?  Seeing a vision is quick and takes a second to see when it comes to predicting things, but when it fades to black it usually means something big will happen.  I'm standing in the darkness when I hear this sobbing.

It sounds like a girl.  I feel like I know this somehow.  All of the sudden the black fades away and I see an image, it's Lily.  My heart rate increased, she was crying and holding her knees in her room.  Something's very wrong.  Seeing her cry is making me feel like dying, I hate it so much!  She then starts screaming and crying frantically.
"Ahhhh! Go away!  Please, stop!" She shouted holding her head with her hands.

I've seen enough I need to go to her!  I try sprinting to her but she just fades away when I try to touch her.  I start shaking uncontrollably.  When my eyes shoot open Jungkook is hovering over me.
"Are you ok?  What did you see?" He questioned slightly panicked.  I jump to my feet and speed out of the house not giving him an answer.

I immediately make it to her house climbing up the building to her window.  When I jump through her window I see she is already crying and screaming.  How did this happen so quickly?! What had happen?!  I immediately wrap my hands around her, hugging her tightly.  She lifts her head up at me with shocked eyes and a tearstained face.  I try smiling at her warmly.

She then did something unexpected, she shoved me away from her.
"Lily it's me Jimin, you have nothing to be scared about, nothing to cry about." I voiced trying to calm her down and move to her.  She starts crying even harder.
"Back away Jimin, I don't care about you, just leave me alone!" She yells through her sobs.  My eyes widened.  She, she doesn't care about me?...  A tear slowly leaves one of my eyes.  Though I can't see it, I can tell my eyes change to a grey.

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