America x child Reader

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(This story is inspired by Knwash in deviant called "America x child reader: welcome home. You guys should check it out, it's a really good story, anyways enjoy)

Britain, France, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were just having a nice breakfast, the silence was comfortable and just having a breakfast with the family is just great. Britain started to drink his tea while looking at his sons when he notice America wasn't eating, in a matter of fact, he was playing with his food while looking at it "America, stop playing with your food" Britain said while the others looked at America, everyone expected a comeback but there was nothing "America, is everything alright" ask France a bit shocked on America's behavior, no response. He still kept on playing with his food, Canada who sat next to America snaps his finger near him but still nothing "Brother?"Canada called out to his brother but still nothing, they all continued to eat while Britain continues to sip on his tea, thinking America is just trying to annoy them by ignoring them.

"I want a kid" America suddenly stated bluntly, causing Britain to spit his tea and almost chocking everyone in their food. "Why the bloody hell would you want a child?!"Britain ask, shocked on what he just heard from his son "Yea America, why? You do know there is a lot of responsibility if you do that"New Zealand said "Not that I'm disagreeing or anything mate but, you're not really responsible on anything" Australia stated.

"His kinda right brother, besides why would you do it anyway"Canada ask, America shrugs "I mean...I just feel like there's something missing and I have this urge that I wanna take care of someone and protect them"America said "Get a bloody dog or a bloody girlfriend"Britain said"What? You guys think I'm not going to be a good parent?"America ask a bit pissed "Dear, you'll be a good parent, what your brothers and your father are trying to tell is the responsibility"France said, finally speaking what's in her mind, Britain sighs and rubs his temples "Children are not like pets, America, once your annoyed or your done having them, you can't just give them back where they came from, they trust you to take good care of them, to protect them"Britain explained "Dad right, mate" Australia said. America sighs "I know....I just really want a kid of my own to look after to and to protect"America said "Good luck dear, I'm routing for you" France said trying to encourage her son since this was the first time she saw him wanting to do something than go party, play video games or sleep in a world meeting, to say the least, she was proud of her son doing this.

~Few hours later~

For the pass few hours America had been sitting on the couch with the rest of the family, while the others were talking he was simply thinking to himself, deciding if he should adopt a child. He sigh and stood up, he walk to his room and grabbed the jacket that was laying on his bed, he left and room and went to the front door. Britain who is currently drinking tea and sitting on his favorite chair looked up and noticed America, the others notice this and looked at America, they notice he had a smile on his face. "I'm going to get a kid" he said and left hearing his father cuss and his mother scolding his father while the others laugh, Britain probably thought America had forgot about it.

After a few minutes he reach the nearest orphanage, he went inside when someone walk up to him "Is there something you need Sir?"they ask, America smiles "Yea, I would like to adopt a kid"He replied, the person in front of him nodded "Girl or boy?" They ask, America thought for a sec "I would like a girl" he said, America was then lead to a room for girls, America walked inside and walked around, he talked to a few girls here and there when he notice a little girl sitting on a bed with a (h/l) (h/c) hair, he walk over to the girl "hi" he greeted, the girl looked up to him and smiles "hellow" the girl replied with a cheerful tone "what's your name?" America ask with a smile on his face still "I'm (y/n)" replied the girl.

They talked for a few more minutes and America was having fun, he pick up and girl while she giggles, he walk over to the door where he saw the person who help him "I would like to adopt this one, she's so sweet" he said, the person nodded "I will arrange the papers, (y/n) dear, would you pack your stuff up?" They ask,  (y/n) nodded while America put her down, the person America was talking lead him to an office.


America is now walking towards the house with a child on his arms and a bag on his shoulder, on his way a few people looked at him in awe, for them it was a cute moment but for America it was like the best day of his life.

Once he reach the house, he opened the door only to be greeted by his family standing in front of his like they were about to leave, they all exchange looks "Is that a child?"Britain ask, not believing that America stayed true to his words "Yep, her name's (Y/n)" America replied, with a huge smile on his face.

"(Y/N) meet your new family"

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