America x Sick Reader

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-Lot's of bad words
-Badly writen story
-America and Russia fighting
-Reader and America being called the S word
-Australia siding with America and him calling Russia the C word

(America's POV)

I was on my way to the meeting room, today, U.N called us for a very important announcement, I wouldn't be going but then again, it's my job and I'm bored at home, my girlfriend (Y/N) hasn't text me, I figured that she might be busy. I open the door as I reach the meeting room, the other countries are talking, looks like the meeting hasn't start yet, I went to my chair and took a sit, grabbed my phone and started to contact my girlfriend again, I would've made an entrance but I'm not in the mood and I'm kinda getting worried since she hasn't call and text me since this morning.


Germany has just finish his presentation, everyone claps and some complemented, my phone started ringing and I look at it, it was (Y/N). I stand up and was about to leave when I was suddenly shoved out of the way, I looked up to the person who shove me, it was Russia, he has a smirk on his face as he walks away. My phone stopped ringing, I look at it and tried calling her back, it didn't work, it was the only chance I get to talk to her and I was shove out of the way.

Out of pure anger, I threw my phone at Russia, hitting him on the head, the room quiet, he turns around "What the hell is your problem?!"He shouted "What's my problem? Well the problem is you shoved me when I was about to stand up!!"I shout back "Well, I'm sorry"He sarcastically said, I match to his direction and punch him on the face "You made me miss a call from my girlfriend"I said, I don't really like it when I get a miss call from her.

Someone countries started to whisper to each other, but I didn't care. Russia started laughing "Since when did you got a girlfriend?"He ask "Oh wait! Maybe just yesterday! I bet after you guys confess, you fuck each other up"He added "Or maybe, she's just using you for money? What a slut, just like you, a slut for attention"Ok that it, he can insult me all he can but he doesn't have the rights to dragged my girlfriend into this shit.

I punch him again and this time, he punch back, without a minute, we were fighting, physically. The other countries soon pulled us apart, the Organization didn't do anything, thinking maybe it's just one of those stupid fight or maybe they just got bored breaking our fights since we would aways fight.

"Don't ever call my girlfriend like that, you bitch!"

"The only bitch in here, is you America! Besides, how would I believe you that you have a girlfriend?! Maybe she just doesn't exist and your just making things up to start another fight, as always!"

"Besides, if you did have a girlfriend, I probably bet that she's a slut!"

I start to struggle against the country who is holding me "Let me go, I'm gonna fucking kill him!" I shouted, I could feel the disappointment looks from my family and other countries, not my fault they didn't bother to check my life status.

"Oi mate! Don't call my brother's girlfriend like that, you fucking cunt!"

I heard an Australian accent, I already know who it is, besides, his the only one who actually made and effort to check on me and be friends with (Y/N). Everyone looks at Australia in shock except for me. Australia walk towards where my phone had landed and picked it up. He walk towards me and hand me my phone "Thanks bro"I said as I tried to turn my phone on, it didn't work, looks like I broke it. " am I suppose to contact her now?"I ask no one.

"Here you go mate" Australia said as he handed me his phone "You can use my phone, she already called me few hours ago saying she's sick-"I quickly cut him off "she's what?!" I ask out loud "She's sick mate, she didn't told you?"He ask and I shake my head no, he pulls his phone out of my hands and started to push me towards the door "Then go take care of your girlfriend!"He said, I look at him as he gave a smile "Thanks again bro"I said as I started to ran out of the door and down the hallways when I heard Australia yell "Don't forget to say hi from me mate!!" "I won't!!*I yell back

(Third Person POV)

Back in the meeting room, everyone is still shock, mostly the Canadian, Russian, British and the French. Australia's other brother, named New Zealand, wasn't shock, he knows the girl America had been with for a year, yet he hadn't seen her, he only know this because of Australia who had met the girl a month ago.

Australia looks around "What?" He ask out loud "What the bloody hell was that all about?!"Ask the british man "Oh, I was depending my brother's mate" he said "Since when did he had a girlfriend?!" Russia ask with the Canada and Britain as France just sat there, still shock.

"Since last year" they heard another voice, they look to the person who said it and it was New Zealand. "You know about this?!" Britain ask again "Aussie found out about this a month ago, I just found it two weeks ago"New Zealand said as Australia laugh nervously "Ame and his girlfriend told me not to spread it to anyone so I the end I ended up telling NZ and then you guys found it, sorry pops, didn't mean to hide this kinds of things to you" Australia said, still the others are wondering what does America's girlfriend look like? Is she nice? From the way America reacted earlier, she might be if his so defensive about her.

(America's POV)

As I reach the front door, I quickly unlock the door and went inside, I close the door and run upstairs to her room, thinking she's in there. I slam the door open and there she is, laying on the bed "Ame?" She ask as she slowly sat up, I quickly went up to her, kissed her forehead "Why didn't you told me?"I ask her "I didn't want you to get worried"she reply which was soon followed by a series of cough, I rub her back and place my other hand on forehead.

I sigh and made her lay back down "Close your eyes for a while, I'll make you something to eat"I said and kissed her forehead again as I stand up, I tuck her in as she snuggle against the blanket and closed her eyes. I left the room and went downstairs, I took off my blazer and threw it on the couch which I did the same with my tie, I pulled my sleeves up as I walk towards the kitchen to start cooking.

After a few minutes, I'm finally done, I put the bowl of chicken soup on a tray along with a glass of water and some pills. I walk back to her room with the tray, I open the door and went inside. I saw her still sleeping, I place the tray on the nightstand and sat on her head, slowly and carefully, I shake her to wake up, she opens her eyes.I help her sat up and after that, I grab the bowl of soup.

"I don't wanna eat.."she said which was followed by a few coughs "sorry babe but you need to eat if you want to get well as soon as possible"I said, she just sigh "Now open up" I said, she opens her mouth and I started feeding her.

After a few minutes, she was done, I gave her the glass of water and her medicine, after she was done I made her lay back on the bed, placing the wet cloth  I got a few minutes ago on her forehead "T-Thanks A-Ame" she said, I kiss her cheek "It's nothing babe, now get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up" I said, she smiled weakly and closed her eyes. I sigh and layed beside her and pulled her closer to me as she snuggle to me "I love you  babe" I whisper "I love you too Ame" she replied. I smile and closed my eyes.

Sorry if I haven't been posting in both stories, I am currently busy with school work and the wifi is really slow. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the story, please stay out from crowded places, corona virus is everywhere and there has been lots of cases and death. So please always wear mask if you are going to public places. Stay safe everyone.

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