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Hey guys, I'm sorry, I know you guys are waiting for the upcoming stories but I just wanna get this out of my chest.

So I have notice a few people that hates countryhumans due to it being just like countryballs. I also notice that they are comparing both communities, which I could say that it will affect a few people who are in both communities or fandom (I don't really know the term so I'll be using both)

What I'm trying to say is, we shouldn't comparing a community to another community. They were made for people to join and talk about the things they like, not made to talk crap about a different community.

It hurts me, cause I always jump to different fandoms, I'm open to new stuff and seeing two communities that I have grown to love just makes me sick, sick of people who compare them.

So what if a fandom is kinda similar to another fandom, doesn't make it any less of a bother, the thing that should bother us is the dirty work and the toxic people in it.

Countryhumans vs countryballs? Why compare the two? Those may kinda be the same but their opposite in their unique ways. Lots of people only joined a community to have fun not have a childish war.

Both fandoms have positive and negative sides, all fandoms have that, so why do we have to compare them?

Both Countryhumans and Countryballs have the same goal, encouraging people to learn more about countries, encouraging them to share what they learn. Most of us come to this fandoms to have fun and find friends, but shaming a different fandom is not one of them.

I thought were supposed to respect other people, other communities, other beliefs. If we can't respect a fandom made by some people in the Internet, then how am I supposed to believe that you'll respect other people.

Those fandoms were made so it could make different people from different side of the world to be friends even if their country are against each other. Shaming and disrespect each other won't do any good for everyone.

It's 2020 for goodness sake, the world is running in a faster phase, we should respect each other cause in the end of the day, we only have each other to relay on.

I also wanna talk about the dirty work, both in stories and fam arts. Stop it!

Kids are in this kind of fandoms, even if you put a warning, they will not listen, keep it to yourself or show it to others who are in the same page. But I'm only giving an advice, I'm not making you do it, you do you.

Lemon stories, this stuff is what I hate the most, especially when you said "Character x Character lemon" and when someone checks on it, it ended up to be a joke and the author saying "you dirty sinner" that's what annoys me.

Someone saying that word even they knew their on the same page. It's not even funny, and then comments section when there's an actual lemon story would say "God is killing me" or "anyone wants bleach" its annoying, stop it! And what's more annoying is someone saying "one like equals one prayer" or "one like equal god will forgive you"

Why would you click on a video or post just to say this crap?! A lot of people is getting annoy by this.

Here another thing, especially in stories.
I'm sorry if anyone of you gets hurt but..

It annoys me when someone is using shortcut words like;

I love you to I luv u

Be right back to brb

I don't know to idk

You to U

Like guys, stop, you're making a story, not a chat room.

I know english is hard but those are just basic words, you don't have to use words that are hard to understand to make a great story, you just need to use the simple and proper words to be like that. Besides, not everyone knows about shortcut words and what they mean.

Don't use numbers in a word like "I luv i 2" don't, just don't. Only use that to a chat room to the people you're close with or to the people who understands it, like I said not everyone knows about shortcut words.

Here's a list on not to do;

Don't disrespect anyone; fandom, community, people's beliefs, religion, opinion (only if their opinion is hurting someone who didn't deserve it) sexuality, race (I hope I spell that right) or anything that can be seen and disrespectful.

Stop comparing, everyone and everything is unique is their own ways

Lay off the dirty works

Use shortcut words when your in a chat, don't use it on stories, but that's just an advise, you do you.

Don't go around asking for likes or just commenting on a dirty post about stupid stuff about one like equals one praying, it's really annoying, I'm still asking, why would you type that comments if you didn't like the video.

I know there is a lot of errors in this post but I'm just trying to tell you guys I wanna tell you.

You can correct me all you want and you can also add a few more stuff, it's all on you. Bye guys and stay safe.

Countryhumans x reader Oneshots/ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now