China x Reader

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(Y/N) had been so distant with China lately and China started to wonder why. Why is his girlfriend being so distant? He didn't dare to approach her with the problem thinking she was just busy or just needed time, although he had been noticing his girlfriend coming home late.

Now that topic came in, (Y/N) hasn't been around with China a month now, every time China wants to take her out on a date, she would say, she's busy or she's too tired, is she hiding something from China?

Well if she does then that is what China is trying to find out, he would even think his girlfriend is cheating on him and she's just staying with him for money, a lot of people know that China is rich, no one can deny that, but maybe that's why (Y/N) is slowly drifting away, because she found someone else?

That is what China is trying to find out, with the help of a few friends, they decided to pull something for his dear Girlfriend, to see if she's actually being loyal, since they are still only five months in their relationship. A few countries gathered around China's living room, trying to make a plan, all of them are thinking when America spoke "Why don't we pull the good ol' gold digger trick?" China looks at America and he started to think, that might actually work "how?" He ask "Well..." he looks around , trying to find someone he could use for this, until his eyes landed on Japan and South Korea, also one of the richest countries "Okay, here's the plan, you will call her and ask her to meet up with you, then after that, we'll either have to make Japan or South to approach her and maybe flirt with her" he explained "How is that suppose to work Ame?" Philip ask "Like what China said, (Y/N) has been so distant, we all had come to the conclusion that she might be cheating on him and is only staying for thw money" America said "Let's do it" China said bluntly "Dude, you know that if you find out something that could ruin your relationship, you can't go back" America said looking at China, he only shrugged, but inside he is thinking of the worst things that could happen. American sighed and he kept on going.

Everything is now set, South will be the one who's approaching (Y/N), Japan and Philip will be recording, without the girl noticing and China and America will be watching and if it's in the right moment, they will confront her. China had already called the girl to meet up with him near a Chinese restaurant, that was also next to a Japanese and Korean restaurant.

(Y/N) is now standing outside the restaurant, waiting for China to arrive, after a few minutes, China wasn't still there when, a car pulled up, it was a fancy one, South came out and looks at the girl, Philip and Japan are in their position and had started recording, China and America are inside a van that was just a few miles away from them, watching in their tablet.

South, closed the door amd approach the girl "Hi, nice to meet you, what's your name?" He ask "Hi, I'm (Y/N), you?" "I'm South Korea, I saw you here standing alone and decided to check if you're fine"South said "Oh, I'm fine, don't worry" she replied "Are you waiting for someone?" He ask, China watch anxiously, fearing she might lie "Umm.., Yes actually" she replied "Oh, who is it? Your friend or something?" South ask "No, his not a friend, his my boyfriend, he called me a while ago, saying he wanted to meet up with me and he is still not here"she replied "Are you worried?" He ask "For his sake? Yes, since he doesn't get late, he even sometimes shows up, earlier than me" she said, China was fluttered, seeing as his girlfriend is not lying, although, they're still not done "Okay South, start flirting with her" America said in his phone, South heard it through his ear plugs "So, I know you already have a boyfriend, but I would just like to say this, you look, beautiful" he said, China feels a bit jealous but kept it to himself, knowing this is just part of the plan "T-Thank you?" (Y/N) replied, feeling weirded out "Anyway, I don't see your boyfriend will be coming, why don't we go for a ride" he said, the girl looks at him and shook her head, declining his invitation.

"I'm waiting for my boyfriend, so I'll stay here until he gets here" she replied "What if he doesn't show up?" "He'll show up, if he doesn't then, he'll call me" she replied again, getting annoyed this time "You sure? I mean, it's just a ride and I'll drop you back here if you want" South said, trying to keep himself together since he doesn't wanna blow his cover,yet. "Yes" she said "Ok south, I want you to act like you're leaving but give her your number" America said to the phone, while China is still nervous. "Ok, I guess, I'll leave you be, but if you wanna hang out, here's my number" South said, giving the girl his number and a wink, (Y/N) sigh, out of irration, and rips the paper into pieces, throwing it at a nearby trahs can, shocking South, America,Japan and Phil and even China. "Dude, leave, Now!" America screamed at the phone as South went to his car, got inside and left. "Damn, she's scary" America said "I know right" South said from the other line "Can I great her now?" China ask, wanting to see his girlfriend now "Not yet, we're not finish" America said "What do you mean?" China ask "Look" America said, pointing at the screen. A car pulled up just in front of you and a guy came out, he was handsome, to say the least "I wasn't satisfy so I brought a friend with us" America said.

The guy started talking to you, you tried to keep calm but every time he mentions about China might not show up, makes it hard "Why don't we go somewhere, just the two of us, we could have fun, I might bet, I'm better than your boyfriend" he said and those lines, snap up, you grab him by the collar, shocking everyone "Listen, if you don't shut up and leave me alone, I will scratch that pieace of garbage, you call car"(Y/N) threatens, she only wanted to see her boyfriend and that was just it "All i just want is to see my boyfriend and have a time with him, so kindly piss off" she added, letting the guy go, that was enough for America, he left the Van with China and ran to the scene with him.

(Y/N) looks around and saw China, she smiled brightly and ran towards him, tackling him to the ground with a hug "What took you so long?!"She ask, quite mad but nonetheless, happy to see him. China stood up with his girlfriend and hugged her, thanking that she wasn't doing anything behind his back."I'm very sorry love, Me and the guys were just testing"he said, breaking the hug "What are you sorry for?" ask the girl, Japan and Philip walk towards them, holding the cameras "This was just a set up" America said "What?"you ask again "You see, this whole thing was just a set up to see if, you know, if your a gold digger"South said "or cheating China" Japan added, (Y/N) looks at them and sigh, she looks at China "Why did you question my loyalty?" She ask, China thought she was mad and looks down "You've been so distant lately and...I was starting to think, you found someone better than me"China replied with a sad tone in his voice.

The girl gave China a quick kiss on the lips "China, I would never, ever find someone who's better than you, you meant the world to me and if I were to replace you, I would be just a fool" The girl said, touching everyone's heart, especially her boyfriend "The reason I have been do distant was because of this" she added as she pulls a box from her sling bag, she opens it and it shows a beautiful heart locket, with the word 'Love' carved into it, in cursive writing. "I was busy working for this"(Y/N) said "Love, if you wanted something you could've ask me, you know I'll get-" China said but was cut of by her "This isn't for me, it's for you"she said "W-What?" China was confuse, he doesn't get why you work for just a locket "I-....I wanted to give you t-this as a Thank you...for the things you did for me"she stutter out, then it all click,she was working her back off, just for him.He hugs her tightly "You didn't have to..."China said "I know but...I wanted to, you've been spoiling me and I wanted to pay you back, even if it's not enough, I'll try to make it enough" she said "You've been giving me stuff without anything in return and it makese feel bad that I couldn't do anything"she added, feeling the tears that fell from her eyes.

China was touch by this and wiped her tears away "Your love and appreciation is more than enough, having you is more than enough" he said, kissing her forehead. China smiles and took the locket and wore it, like it was the third most important thing for him, being in the second is his people and first is his girlfriend. Since the locket is only a thing, but since it was given by the person he loves the most, he will cherish it, till it was his time to go. "Thank you love, I love it"he said as he opens the locket, he looks at it and it shows a picture of him and his girlfriend, having big smiles on their faces, it was the picture they took when they went to a carnival, where he ask her to be his.

"Thank you love, I really love it, I will cherish this forever" China said, hugging her girlfriend again as the girl bury's her face on his chest, Philippines snapped a picture of the two as Japan record what just happened.

"I Love You my 向日葵"(Sunflower)

"I Love You Too, China"

Word count: 1791

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