If They Are Jealous

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-You got a lovely call from you're brother telling you to meet up with him at the park where you and him would used to hang out
-You told America that you're going to the park
-"I'll came with you!"
-You both went to the park and sat on a bench near the fountain, talking with each other
-After a few minutes your brother came and called you by your name
-He walk up to you and started a conversation with you, completely ignoring America
-America mumbles to himself and hold your hand, glaring daggers to your brother
-Your brother notice this and starts laughing
-"Yo, sis, is he your boyfriend"
-He pointed to America, you nodded and kissed his cheek
-Your brother fangirled...errr...fanboyed?
-America blush of what you did and because of embarrassment
-When your brother left, you both walk home
-"Were you jealous?"
"What? No!.....kinda.."
"Nah babe, it's fine, I should've ask"
-He give a quick kiss you on the lips
-That is just one of examples
-There was also one time where a guy flirted with you, he pulled out a gun and pointed it on his head, threatening him
-"If you don't leave, the bullet of this gun will go through your head"

-He was never the one to get jealous over something but when someone starts hitting on you that makes you uncomfortable
-Run, by I mean run, I mean ducking Run
-He will chase that person with a gun
-You'll try to calm russia with your words but if that doesn't work, you'll eventually kiss him
-Like that time when you guys were walking around the  neighborhood
-You both saw a ice cream truck and you ask him if he could buy for both of you
-He said yes and went off while you wait
-A guy came up to you and started talking with you, he told you his name while you told yours
-After that, it became a little too touchy for your liking, he would hold your should or your hand or back
-Russia saw this and pulled out his gun that he had brought and hid
-"Hey, what the f**k are you doing to my girlfriend!!"
-The guy got scared when he saw the gun and ran, which Russia chase him down while you ran after him
-When he caught the guy, he was aboit to beat the crap out of him when you pulled him away, telling him to calm down, which didn't work
-So the next thing you did is, you pulled him into a kiss
-There was also that time where he almost nuke a guy's house because that guy made you uncomfortable

-His not the jealous type
-But, he'll probably jump onto someone that is making you uncomfortable
-Like, there was this time, you guys were walking down the street to go to the restaurant
-He got a call and you both stop
-He excuses himself and talk to the person that was calling him
-He was too deep in the conversation to even notice the guy that approach you with his friends
-He starts flirting with you, which was uncomfortable, you even told him to stop but he  kept on going on
-You turn your back to them and as you walk to soviet, (who had back away a while ago as he talk to phone)
-The guy slap you buns, soviet finally notice your distress and hang up
-As you turn your back and glared at the guy, Soviet went behind you and hugs you
-He pulled you close to him and glares at the guys
-You pulled Soviet away to not cause any more trouble
-When it was finally night, soviet hunt those group of guys down
-He found them
-They all laugh, which was a bad idea, soviet tackled the guy that  flirted with you on the ground and he starts beating him up
-The other guys were about to interfere and pull Soviet for a beating when Soviet pulled a gun and pointed it towards them
-Let's say, they guy that flirted with you had a broken nose, black eye, a bleeding lip, a broken jaw and maybe a few broken bones and Soviet came home with only a few bruises

Third Reich
-This guy here is overprotective of you
-He'll never hurt anyone if you say so but he can't help himself wanting to strangle or hurt someone if they get a little too close and touchy for your and his liking
-There was one time where a girl got too close to you that he ended up pushing her away, saying some German insults to her
-There was also this one time where a group of guys was making you uncomfortable while you and third sat on a bench while eating ice cream, he ended up shoving his ice cream on the guy's face and kicking him in the place where the sun doesn't shine
-But the was this one time where he almost killed someone and that someone would be your ex friend
-You guys were about to visit Germany at that time when, your ex friend came up to you and started talking, completely ignoring Third's existence
-Third let it slide since he wasn't getting too touchy and close to you
-Your ex friend started to get a little too close for Third's liking so Third pulled you away but your friend kept on getting too close and he even started flirty with you, even telling more dirty ones which was enough for Third to pull out his knife but he didn't-
-Your friend started eyeing you from head to toe, not a good sign, you told him that you guys needed to go, he let you, Third grabbed your hand and drag you away glaring to your so called friend
-Then out of nowhere, your so called friend slap you buns, which cause you to gasp and Third to tackle the guy, punch him on the face, pull out a knife and stab his shoulder
-Your ex friend ended up in the hospital while Germany was panicking on how is he going to explain this to EU and more importantly to UN

-His too gentle to hurt someone just because of jealous....
-This guy can poisoned someone with tea!
-Heck, he can even drown or choke someone with a tea!
-A flipping tea!
-Its like tea is his weapon if he doesn't have his umbrella, his cane or his gun
-Britain invite a few countries to have a tea party with him, of course he invited you, he even told you that you can invite other people
-So you invite your best friend who invited that guy who got poisoned
-You guys were seated on a table, while waiting to U.K's family, even though france and U.K got a divorce, they are still friends since they already have someone
-France also brought her girlfriend that time
-As you guys were drinking tea and talking, your friend's friend started to get too touchy and placed his hand on your lap
-Britain notice this and immediately grabbed you friends cup
-"Ah, there a bug in your tea, this will be too disgusting to drink, why don't I pour you another one?"
-He poured the tea on the groun that has a 'bug' and poured a fresh tee on the cup
-He pointed somewhere with a shocked expression
-"Is that a rabbit over there!?"
-Everyone looked at the direction as he poured a poison on the tea, he gave the tea to the guy
-"There was nothing over there"
-"I'm terribly sorry love, I guess my eyes are playing tricks on me, I should get them check up, but every time I look at you, everything is crystal clear, maybe it's just the fact that you are so beautiful, I could still see you from miles away"
-You blushed and giggled while giving him a kiss on the check
-The guy rolled his eyes and drank his tea, after a few minutes he started feeling like his about to throw up
-Your friends as him whe  he ran to a bush since you guys are having a tea outside, so he ran to the bush and starterd throwing up
-After that incident, your friend and that guy left, let's just say, you found out what Britain did to his tea and boy you were glad he left

Hey guy, sorry for that updating, I had been busy since, school is back and exams will be in the next week, so yea, I'm really sorry. I'm also just worried about what is happening to the world today, if you guys don't know, there's  a bush fire on Australia, it already killed lots of people and animals. There's  also a some kind of mystery illness going around china and World War 3, I heard it was canceled or something but I'm not sure yet, that's why I'm worried, like I seriously worried to the point that I'm scared for everyone and everything.
I'll update soon if I can, thank you for waiting and I hope you enjoyed this, have a nice day

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