A Hefty Load (19)

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A Few Days Later
Your POV

I pace the bedroom, my stomach practically turning itself inside out from all of the worry and dread. My friends have caught on to my behavior and have asked me several times about it, but all I told them was that I felt as if something's going to happen.

They just sort of brushed it off as nothing, but still believe me and are also keeping their eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary.

I could just be fretting for nothing.

This nightmare could mean nothing, despite what my gut is telling me.

What throws me off is that my gut is never wrong. Usually.

My heart begins pounding in my chest as I hear Stanley's and Bill's shouts from outside. I immediately sprint to where they're at, the rest of my friends at my heels.

I nearly gasp at the sight before me, the feeling in the pit of my stomach returning.

A hoard of walkers surrounding us.

However, something's off.

Their eyes.

They aren't regular zombie-like eyes. No, they're bright white and glowing.

"What?" I mutter in disbelief, pulling out my knife and sprinting to assist in killing the walkers coming our way.

"Their eyes!" Richie yells. "What the fuck is wrong with them?"

"How should we know?" Beverly shouts back.

When given the chance, I take a glance at the sky. My eyes widen a bit before I continue to fight.

The sky is cloudy, a dark grey color, like a storm is coming.

As if right on cue, rain begins to pour down on us, and I can even hear thunder and lightning in the distance.

I shiver, not only from the rain, but also from the chilling winter wind. I find myself being thankful for having my jacket and shoes on already, though they don't do much for me.

Some of my friends aren't as lucky.

Ben and Eddie don't have their coats on.

Everyone was wearing shoes, though.

More and more walkers keep coming at us, a never-ending flow of them. This reminds me of previous hoards I've faced in the past, both by myself and with this group.

With the exception of the white glowing eyes, of course.

I step back after stabbing a walker in the eye, and glance around swiftly, only to stop in my tracks and stare.

There stands It in the woods, similar to how it was in my nightmares. Just smiling and waving at me with that devilish grin.

The three scars on my face start to burn, making me remember how It was the one to give them to me.

I snap out of it and continue with the fight, yet I can't help but to look in It's direction every now and again. And every time that I do, the closer and closer It gets to us.

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