Familiar Faces (21)

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Two Weeks Later
Your POV

I watch the leaves blow in the trees before me, feeling my spine against the wooden wall behind me. I smile a little as the breeze gently encases me, but pull my jacket closer to me from the chill.

Eddie is checking on Bill's arm again, making sure everything is looking fine.

It takes around six to eight weeks for a broken arm to heal, but that's just in general. I'm not entirely sure how long it'll take for his arm to heal properly, as he didn't just fall on it to get the injury.

My eyes lock on a rabbit as it bounds through the bushes, and I debate on killing it. Food is scarce these days, but I'd hate to murder an innocent creature who had managed to survive for this long.

Deeming it special, I choose to let it be.

It looks in my direction, nose twitching and ears perking up in curiosity. The rabbit stares at me for a few moments before turning and hopping off into the brush. Snow falls to the ground because of this, and I let out a chuckle.

It's not every day you see a rabbit like that one.

Especially not nowadays.

I push myself off of the wall and go to lean against the railing instead, my covered forearms digging into the wood.

Seconds pass before I see that same snow-covered rabbit again as it pokes its head out of the bush. That's when I notice baby bunnies making their way over to it.

They're a family.

The original rabbit waits for her babies to pass her by before following them closely. Keeping her eye on them.

The sight makes my grin expand just by a bit.

You don't see a family like theirs nowadays.

They're special.

The door to the house creaks open and falls shut, and I hear footsteps getting closer to me. I don't look behind me, already knowing who it is. Instead, I keep my eyes locked on where I last saw the beautiful rabbit family.

The person stands at my side and gently takes my hand in theirs, and my smile returns.

I meet his gaze to see that he's already grinning at me.

"Hey, Bill," I greet, encasing his free hand in mine. "How's yer arm?"

"Hey," he says back before responding, "m-my arm is d-doing good. E-Eddie doesn't s-s-see anything w-wrong with i-it."

I nod, "That's nice ta hear."

I stand straight and take my hand on top of his to carefully cup his cheek. He leans into my touch and just continues to stare into my eyes. Laughing a bit as I glance away, I look back at him again and press my lips onto his.

He kisses me back instantly, and I'm filled with a welcoming, fuzzy warmth and tingling sensation.

We pull apart seconds later and smile at each other, keeping our hands interlocked as we turn to face the trees again. My free hand lands on the railing, relaxed.

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