Chapter 7 - 'We Need To Talk'

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Sierra's POV

"Sierra? Niccolo?" 

Elena's sweet voice extinguished every type of flame that had just been ignited between us. We pulled apart swiftly as if we had just been burnt; my hands let go of him as I placed them flat on my thighs, and his pulled out from my panties in an abrupt fashion. I broke the eye contact he was trying to keep, jumping off the counter and fixing the dress. When I looked back in his direction, he had already placed his towel back around his waist. He made his way to walk out the bathroom, but I grabbed onto his arm, pulling him back. I silently mouthed 'no' then motioned towards the tented section of his towel with a slight smirk. 

He didn't look away from me. He knew very well what I was referring to. Instead, he leaned forward in an attempt to grab me but I stepped back and began walking back towards the door while shaking my head. He gave me a look and I knew I would pay for this whole ordeal at a later stage.

As I walked out of the bathroom, shutting it behind me, Elena was standing with her arms crossed. 

"What happened to calling my brother for breakfast? You have been here for over half an hour. What on earth were you doing in his bathroom and..." She trailed off as her eyes widened while her face softened. "Oh my God! What happened to your forehead?" 

"Yeah, about that. I had an accident. I kind of whacked my head against the door and Nico was just attending to the wound. He's just cleaning up the mess in his bathroom and will join us shortly." I linked my arm through hers, pulling her along with me to exit the room. 

"How on earth did you manage that?" She queried. 

"I got my shoe clumsily twisted in his rug. Long story." I waved the topic away with the motion of my hand as I closed the bedroom door. 

We made our way to the deck. The table was set with pancakes, eggs, bacon, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes, hashbrowns and pork sausages. Tino and Cami sat on one side whispering sweet nothings into each others' ears. 

"Whoa, you really went all out," I commented, taking in the delectable aromas filling my senses. 

"I enjoy cooking." She shrugged before walking back inside the kitchen. 

Out the corner of my eye, I noticed Tino's pack of cigarettes on the table. The sudden urge to have one consumed me as the hormones diminished and the reality sunk in of what I had just started with Nico. My target's son. TARGET'S SON, Sierra! You stupid girl! 

I edged closer to the table, clearing my throat to grab their attention.

"Good morning. So sorry to interrupt the love fest, but could I please grab a cigarette from your pack?" I asked him sweetly. 

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