Chapter 13 - Beach Day

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Sierra's POV

The next morning I was up and ready around 9 in the morning. I made a small breakfast for Abuelita and myself. We were busy eating when there was a knock on the door. I got up to answer, revealing Nico standing there looking strikingly tantalizing in a dark grey shirt hugging onto his body, a pair of torn jeans accentuating certain areas and finished off with a black leather jacket that gave off a dangerous aura to him. His hair was a beautiful mess accompanied by a 5 o'clock shadow, which I preferred. I could feel myself tremble at the idea of having his body entangled with mine in a sexual haze again, an insatiable deviant wanting to emerge whenever he was near. 

I forced myself to look away from him, stepping to the side and allowing him to enter

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I forced myself to look away from him, stepping to the side and allowing him to enter. 

"Ah, Niccolo, querido (darling). Good morning." Abuelita tried getting to her feet to greet him but he quickly made his way over to her.

"No need to get up, Abuelita." He reached her, placing his hand on her back while holding her arm to assist her into her seat. He then proceeded to kiss her on the cheek. 

"Ah, you are such a respectable young man that any woman would be lucky to have. Such an endearing delight. Isn't he, Mija?" She looked in my direction, both her and Nico's eyes landing on me. 

"Charming," I replied in an unamused tone, with a forced smile, before closing the door and walking back to my room to collect my jacket and car keys. I heard Abuelita sigh as I walked down the corridor. 

As I headed back towards the kitchen, I noticed Abuelita was gone. I furrowed my brows looking around in search of her. 

"She went to put on her shoes. I helped her to her room." Nico replied, leaning against the kitchen counter.

I simply nodded as I swung my jacket around, hooking my arms through it. I held my car keys in one hand while using the other to bunch all my hair together, pulling it out from underneath the jacket. 

"No need for your keys. I brought my father's SUV." He had his arms crossed across his chest while watching my every move. 

I stopped to turn my body to him. I narrowed my eyes on him, thinking about what he just said. I tilted my head to the side before speaking.

"So, you're telling me, I didn't actually need to fetch my car last night." 

"Nope." He replied amusingly, popping the 'P'.

I could feel my eye twitching as I bore a hole into his head. 

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I merely suggested it. You were the one who agreed." He held his hands in the air, using his head to point in my direction. "Why? Are you complaining, Princess?" 

His lips curved into a conceited smirk as his hands slipped themselves into his pockets. I felt my hand cling onto my car keys tighter. I had no words right now. Instead, I swung my arm, throwing my keys at him. He wasn't quick enough to get his hands out of his pockets to catch them, but he managed to duck, allowing the keys to fly into the wall behind him. His eyes were wide when he turned back to look at me. I gave him a smile with a shrug of my shoulders.

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