Chapter 8 - Opportunity

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Odette POV

"What did you just say?" I heard his voice on the line.

"Raf, I think I just met Sierra," I repeated, using his sister's name instead. 

"Where?" He was now more alert, more serious and determined.

"In my Uncle's home." 

"No... No, it can't be, Odette." I could hear shuffling over the phone. 

"Babe, I know the photo you showed me is quite old, but certain features are very prominent. She has the same eyes, Raf. The same eyes I've looked into every night for the past 5 years. And she is using her name." 

"She is using the García name?" 

"Well, that, I don't know. But she is using her first name." 

"Odette, it cannot be a coincidence that she is in your Uncle's house. And considering the male figure, she has had the past 13 years since I left..." He trailed off. "I have a bad feeling about this." 

"Ok, let's not jump the gun. Maybe, it is completely innocent. I mean, you don't have a guarantee that she has been with your father all these years. Maybe she ran, just like you did." I tried to reason, diffusing his emotions as best as I could.

"She would have never left her mother, Odette." 

"Maybe her mother is with her?" 

"If her mother is with her, then Dominic and Aria will definitely know." 

"Yeah, you're right. Still, let's not panic. I will snoop around, try to find out a bit more, and in the meantime, you try to get back to America."

"I will try, baby, but you know I cannot exactly tell your Uncle the truth as to why I need to get back." 

"I know. You'll figure it out, though. But you need to remember, at some point, you will have to tell him the truth about your family." 

"I think about this every day, Odette. I know. But he will kill me." 

"No, I would like to think my Uncle is a little more reasonable than that. He could look past who your family is to see who you are. I mean you have never done wrong by him in 6 years. Plus, he would never take away the father of his grandniece." 

"Yeah, maybe. But Odette..."


"Be careful, please. We don't yet know what is going on and I don't want you snooping too far and landing yourself in danger." 

"Don't you worry about me. Go, I've kept you long enough. I will chat with you soon." 

"Alright, baby. I love you." 

"I love you more." 

I returned to the deck to find Nico with Alessia by the pool. He was holding her above the water on the first step. As he dipped her feet in, she would giggle and squirm in his hands. That boy would make such a good father, but he wants to play games instead. Veronica ruined him and I know that whatever happened 3 years ago was her doing. I'll slap that bitch if I ever see her again. I went and sat beside him, hanging my feet in the water.

"Thanks for watching her," I said softly to him as I watched them playing.

"No worries. Who could say no to this cute face." He replied, speaking to Alessia before kissing her cheek. "How's Rafael? Italy treating him alright?" 

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