Chapter 44 - Second Chance

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Sierra's POV

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I didn't need to decipher or wonder where he was, I already knew. He must have left in the early hours of the morning.

I rolled over onto his side of the bed, placing my head on his pillow as I inhaled his invigorating scent left lingering behind. Fuck, I missed him so much and I don't think I truly realized the extent of it.

After some time, I managed to force myself out of bed, heading directly for the shower. I turned on the showerhead, creating the right combination for the water temperature before sliding off my robe and slipping inside

I stood directly under the flow of water, allowing it to cover my face as my thoughts consumed me. Last night, I slept the best I have in a long time. I could feel my body sinking into him, relaxing as I drifted off into that serene slumber.

I felt safe again. I felt at peace. And I felt whole once more. I feel as if I am exactly where I am meant to be. Exactly where I belong. And I feel happy. An emotion I can't remember when last I had the pleasure of feeling.

This time there were no niggling lies, no secrets, no pretenses weighing us down. This time we were completely free and unchained. And that is the most divine feeling that I can't even put into words.

I finished up my shower, shampooing my hair and washing my body. Once done, I turned off the water before stepping out onto the tiled floor. I looked up and came face to face with those emerald orbs that could always make me weak at the knees, gasping slightly with my hand on my chest.

Nico stood there as he watched me while holding onto the towel I had noticed missing from the rail.

"You scared me," I remarked. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Not long." His voice was smooth as it sounded.

He holds the ends of the towel in each hand as he unfolded his arms, stretching the towel open. I make my way closer to him before entering into his embrace. He closes his arms and wraps the towel around my body, tucking a corner of it into the tightened section above my breasts.

He looked down at me before gently turning me around and maneuvering us in front of the mirror. He pulled me slightly into him so that my back was against his chest. His hands were still on my hips when he leaned in and peppered kisses along my shoulder. He then rested his chin on the same shoulder as his hands traveled a path to my abdomen where he placed them flat over the toweled section.

I felt myself getting emotional from his display of affection. My smile grew willingly as my hands placed themselves over his and I held our gaze in the mirrors reflection.

"I love you, Sierra." He whispered into my ear before kissing just below my earlobe.

"And I am so happy you hated my family enough to come after us." He added before I could reply, a coy grin forming on his lips.

My face contorted into an unamused expression as I glared at him.

"That's not funny." I sternly spoke.

"Oh, relax. It's a joke! Have a sense of humor, baby. You better prepare yourself, this banter will continue for the rest of your life."

I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. He so light-heartedly jokes about it now, as if it didn't happen. As if this didn't all begin on a lie. And yet, he looked past it all. He looked past all my bullshit to see the broken child inside and loved me from the inside out. Loved me whole again.

"I am serious, though. I am so fucking happy that you came into my life and beautifully lied to my face. Without that, I wouldn't have met you. Without you skillfully entering my family the way you did, I wouldn't have gotten to know you. Without this feistiness of yours, I wouldn't have wanted you more and more after each interaction we had. It was the kick start to a whirlwind of feelings that created this love story of ours, no matter how unconventional it is. This is why I call you my piccola volpe esuberante (my little feisty fox)." He kissed my shoulder as he spoke.

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