Chapter 41 - Stop Running

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Sierra's POV

I stood in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. My eyes scanned my face, noticing the bags underneath them and the state of a mess my hair was currently in. The night ticked away with me lying wide awake in the bed for the duration of the evening.

I needed to contact Rafael today. I needed my brother. But the fear of his reaction, and possible rejection, consumed me. I up and left the way he had when I was a child, not a single call or text. Only a letter. I closed my eyes and leaned against the basin, my hands clutching onto the porcelain in an attempt to keep my composure.

I splashed water on my face before finally leaving the room and stepping outside for some fresh air. I sat on the bench in the garden of the hotel, staring at my phone and his contact. I took a deep breath and released it before tapping on the screen and lifting it to my ear.

The phone rang for a while and I was about to end the call when his voice came through the other end.


I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Raf?" My voice was shaky as I spoke.

"Oh Dios mío! Sierra? Eres tu?" (Oh my God! Sierra? Is that you?)

"Sí, Hermano." (Yes, brother.)

"Un minuto." (One minute.)

I heard shuffling on the other end, followed by a few gurgling noises and then some sweet pitched mumbling. Alessia.

I closed my eyes, keeping the tears at bay as I listened. I heard Odette whispering then the closing of a door before finally hearing my brother's voice again.

"Sierra, where have you been? I've been worried sick! Why did you leave, Hermanita? Dominic told me about your run-in with Javier. Niccolo-" he was throwing everything at me at once, not giving me a chance to speak.

"Rafael!" I yelled at him. He was beginning to give me a headache at this rate.

"Lo Siento (Sorry)." He realized and apologized.

"It's ok. But Raf, there's a reason for my call." I paused for a few seconds.

"I need you." My voice started cracking and I could hear his intake of a sharp breath.

"Tell me where. I'll leave in the next 5 minutes." He spoke sternly, no hesitation what so ever.

"I moved closer about 3 days ago. I'm in New Jersey. I'll text you the location."

"That's just under 2 hours. I'm leaving now."

With that, he ended the call and all I needed to do was wait. I was nervous about this, too many uncertainties flying around me. I busied myself for the next two hours, trying to get some sort of sleep which was unsuccessful, followed by an attempt at eating but my nerves were too many.

I sat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with the hem of my shirt as the tv blared in the room when a knock on the door startled me. I made my way and held the door handle for a few moments before finally opening it.

I was met with a pair of arms instantly wrapping around my neck, pulling me against their chest as they tightened their grip.

"Gracias a Dios (Thank God)." My brother hummed into my hair before placing a kiss on top of my head.

"Hola, Hermano (Hello, brother)." I giggled slightly.

He pulled back and scanned me from top to bottom.

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