Chapter 12 - Insatiability

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Sierra's POV

I emerged from my room, making my way down the corridor. I found Nico leaning against the wall inside the lounge area with a cup in his hands. I noticed Abuelita had a cup of tea in her hands as well. I stopped at the doorway, watching them as they casually conversed, with Abuelita laughing at whatever he had just said to her. He just came into my home and easily fitted himself into my life with Abuelita. Que mierda? (What the fuck?)

I was about to walk away when I heard Abuelita call out to me.

"Mija, where have you been? You took so long and now you want to run away again?"

I turned to face them, my eyes meeting Nico's for a split second, before focusing on my Gran.

"Yeah, well, I am not in the mood for certain people," I stated firmly, annoyance dripping off my words.

"Sierra María!" Abuelita's voice began to rise. Great, my full name has been pulled out. Sometimes I don't think words through or consider my location before speaking. They just run off my tongue with no filter.

"It's alright, Abuelita. I'm quite used to Sierra's mood swings." Nico's voice piped in. My eyes snapped and narrowed on him. He's calling her Abuelita now too? Mood swings? This boy is going to get punched. I scoffed before walking away.

I went into the kitchen and turned on the kettle once again before standing against the dining room table, my hands grabbing onto the edge. I could still hear their conversation through the walls, echoing down the corridor.

"I am so sorry, Niccolo." Abuelita apologized, causing my eyes to roll.

"Please, don't be. It's quite alright. Let me take that for you." I heard the clinking of cups meaning he probably took her mug. "Excuse me, I will be back shortly."

I turned and glared at the doorway I knew he would be walking through. Why must he be a gentleman now too? Skrew you, Niccolo!

He appeared in front of me, the two cups linked together with his index finger through their handles. He held a conceited smirk and I felt my blood begin to boil higher than the kettle's contents. I stalked in his direction, yanking the cups from his hands then turned to walk back into the kitchen. I made it two steps before I was hindered from moving forward with his arm around my torso. His breath was on the other side of my face, sending a tingling feeling over my body.

"Temper, Temper, Princess..." He repeated his taunting words from earlier on. "You were very much in the mood for certain people earlier this evening."

His huskiness ignited my insides along with his hand that had traveled from the small of my back down to grab my left ass cheek, angering me even more for the control he manages to attain over my body when he is around. I bent my right arm, jabbing my elbow into his stomach and causing a grunt to escape him.

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