Chapter 22 - First Date (Part 2)

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Niccolo's POV

I couldn't help it as I stared at her, watching her every move and interaction with the dogs. It was like the outside world became nonexistent to her. It was just her in her element being genuinely happy. When a part of her soul mistakenly escaped earlier, allowing me to see her true self again as she admitted nobody had ever done anything like this for her before, I realized this gesture was more than just a first date to her. This meant a heck of a lot more to her than I could ever imagine.

I wasn't used to having someone so unbelievably grateful for something so simple. I used to shower Veronica with expensive shit and she still was never satisfied. And heaven help me when I did something more meaningful and simple without the money, that was when she truly made her hatred known no matter how much purpose was behind my gesture. She never saw it. But this woman saw right through it, right to the core of my intentions bringing her here.

Last night I felt something inside me change. It was like the past finally lifted itself off my shoulders and allowed a space for me to take flight with someone else. But today it was like she had already filled up that void with everything she is. I was unsure of how to feel. Part of me completely terrified that I may not survive again if another woman breaks me, yet another part of me ready to take that risk because it was worth it. She was worth it all.

I stood, scratching Bentley, the labrador, on the neck while watching her. I have never seen anybody look as beautiful as she does now. Her heart and soul smile along with her lips. Her heart and soul laugh along with her mouth. Her heart and soul emerge when she is around dogs and they are pure in every essence... Pure, ethereal, eccentric, almost magical to watch. Which is exactly what I did. I watched everything about her in this moment, committing her to memory afraid I wouldn't see this side of her again. She loves to hide, she loves to run, especially when she is unsure of her own feelings.

She caught me watching her but I didn't care. In fact, I wanted her to know exactly how I saw her. I wanted her to know that I saw the real her, not the woman she tries to portray as her defense tactic. And I wanted her to know that I might actually be falling for the real her and admitting that, scared the shit out of me.

She was so caught up in watching me watching her that one of the golden retrievers managed to kiss her on her cheek, causing her to let out a giggle and smile in pure bliss. That fucking smile had the ability to stop me in my tracks and freeze time around us. She had me completely mystified by everything that is her.

She turned away from my gaze to speak directly at the golden retriever as he wagged his tail but landed up shaking most of his backside

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She turned away from my gaze to speak directly at the golden retriever as he wagged his tail but landed up shaking most of his backside. I couldn't help but chuckle when he decided to fall onto her lap, relaxing in her presence as she tickled his side.

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