Chapter 36 - Listen

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Sierra's POV

My eyes fluttered open as the calming sounds of waves could be heard crashing against the rocks while I lay there. There was a wide variety of sensations encompassing me. I felt light like I was levitating. I experienced a total sense of serenity, security, and warmth. Like nothing and nobody could touch me. It was a feeling of absolute dissolution.

I lifted my head, gently pushing myself up to a seated position. I looked around to notice I was in the middle of nothing. There was nothing around me. The ground was like a short spread of hazy smoke. I slowly rose to my feet, dusting myself off. I twirl around looking above me then below me but I was surrounded with nothingness. Suddenly I heard a loud and distinctive bark. I snapped around to see a bright light where the barking was originating from.

I began walking slowly towards the light, and closer to the barking. I noticed as a small silhouette became larger as I went. Eventually, the brightness of the light dimmed slightly and I saw the face belonging to the silhouette. It can't be...

"Índigo?" My voice was barely a whisper as I watched her running, beelining her way to me.

She lunged herself at me, pushing off my body as she connected with it. She then did a twirl before looking up at me with her wagging tail, her stunning wide Staffordshire smile and slight hopping of her front paws. She used to do this every time we arrived home when she was alive.

I crouched down in front of her and tried kissing her. As per usual, her zestful form was too much and her boisterous personality took over as she jumped up and down, making it difficult to attain that kiss. Índigo was my childhood dog. My best friend. And my companion when everything went wrong. She passed away a year after my mother and it was probably the last nail in the coffin for me and the girl that I used to be.

"Mija, what are you doing here?" The instant my ears received and perceived her voice, the tears began filling up in my eyes.

I looked up and saw Abuelita standing there. She was dressed in a peaceful white dress as she smiled at me. Her eyes were shining brightly, filled with happiness. I felt the first stray tear fall down its path. Her smile grew wider as she gently bent over and wiped it away. She then moved aside and that's when I saw her.

"Mamá?" I slowly stood, shutting my eyes tightly then opening them to see if it was all real.

"My beautiful girl, look at you." Her voice was just as I remembered. Gentle, pure, and exquisitely ethereal. Her head tilted to the side as she gave me that exultantly loving smile she used to give me every time she was about to tell me how proud of me she was.

I began shaking my head profusely.

"You can't be proud of me. I've done nothing to be proud of." The sobs begging to be released ran through me as the tears fell in an uncontrollable form.

"Oh, but I am. I am so unbelievably proud of you and the woman you have become." She never faltered in her demeanor.

"Why? Look at the pain I inflicted. Look at the suffering I caused to a family that never once deserved it! A family you held dearly and close to your heart. A family that respected you in its highest form. I will never be able to measure up to the woman you envision me as." I sucked in a sharp breath as the sob escaped again.

"Baby girl, you are so wrong. You were misguided, poisoned, and abused. However, you turned around and fought back. You righted your wrongs. You never backed down from that. You might have failed in the beginning but your victories today are greater, filled with dignity and love. You hold so much love in your heart, which is the greatest achievement I could have ever wished upon you. An achievement I wish I could have taught you. You allowed it to encompass you. You allowed it to flow through your veins. You allowed it to show you your truth. You are more than enough and worth every single bit of it."

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