Chapter 18 - Rafael

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Sierra's POV

"You're not alone, Hermanita (little sister)"

I heard a deep and soothing voice behind me. I turned around and absolutely froze in place, nearly dropping the urn, from the sight before me.

"Holy shit, it really is you." He spoke in disbelief as he looked me up and down.

"I didn't want to believe Odette at first." He began shaking his head.

"You've grown so fucking much. Look at you." He was now gushing over me.

He took a step towards me and I stumbled backward, further into the water. I was rendered speechless.

"Who the hell do you think you are calling me your sister? Because the only brother I had, died years ago!" I yelled at him, gripping the urn tightly.

"What?" He stayed in place now with his brows knitted together.

"My brother is dead! It is the only explanation. What other reason would there be for my brother not coming back for me? What other reason would there be for my brother to leave me with that monster for 12 years?  Por favor dime, qué otra razón hay!!?" (Please tell me, what other reason is there!!?).

"Sierra, it's me. Rafael. You have no idea how long I have waited to see you again, how long I searched for you." He began taking steps towards me again. "I will tell you everything you-"

He went to gently grip my hand but I cut him off and pulled away from him.

"Don't fucking touch me! You are no brother of mine! My brother would have never left me! And now you pop up, coincidentally, when Abuelita dies! Get the hell out of here!"

"Sierra, listen to me, please. It is me. I'm still the brother that stole Mamá's car to take you to the dog park on the weekends, just so you could spend time with all the different dogs there. I'm still the brother who brought you back a Nutella milkshake, every Friday night, after my shift at the diner. I'm still the brother that read you 'Lassie' every night, no matter how many times we had already read it. It's me, Sierra." He spoke sincerely.

I didn't know what to think. Everything he just said was true about my brother. But then, why didn't he come back for me? My heart and mind were in a raging battle to overcome me.

"Why should I listen to anything you have to say to me? You come to me on the day that I spread my grandmother's ashes and tell me that you've been alive this whole time but never came back for me. Tell me... Why. Should. I. Listen?" My voice was now raised and cracking as my tears began falling for a different person.

"Because you will be letting him win." Was all he said as he closed the space between us abruptly, not giving me a chance to react from the foreshadowing of his movements. I stood there instead of pulling away this time as his words rung through me.

"You don't deserve that opportunity. YOU LEFT! You left me with him! That man! You are as bad as he is! Now, leave me the fuck alone!"

His hand wrapped around my wrist before I had the chance to walk away.

"God damn it, Sierra! I had to leave! FUCK! I am so fucking sorry that I left you and Mamá!"

"Don't fucking speak of her like you know her! She died soon after you left and you have no right to speak of her!" I ripped my wrist from his grip and shoved him on his chest as he stumbled backward. He balanced himself but his eyes were glassed over.

"Mamá's dead?" He asked me incredulously. He looked down into the water as he shook his head. "It can't be. I know I convinced myself you were both dead but I never thought I would find it to be true and feel this..." he trailed off as he ran his hand through his hair before looking up at me. His eyes ran over me, analyzing my facial expressions.

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