(Chapter 1)

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You woke up lying in a strange field. Soft grass cushioned your body and blankets of moss lay under your head. You stretch out, savoring the warm sensation of sunlight across your face. A soft moan escapes your lips as you realize how much pain you're in.


you say, rolling over. You feel like shit and probably look the part. As you open your eyes you almost have a heart attack at seeing the sky. It looks almost as if someone slit their veins and let their blood dye the sky.

"fuck, that can't be right"

you rub your eyes hard and look again. Nope, still there. You pick yourself up, feeling disoriented and dizzy, trying not to vomit. After the world stops spinning, you catch a glimpse of your self in a puddle and have to do a bit of a double-take.

You look... alright! Suddenly you let out a scream,


As you reach up to touch them, you see they perfectly complement your (H/C) hair, and are just Soooo soft. once you stop touching your ears, you notice small fuzzy antlers covered in velvet and check behind you to see a small tail sprouting out of your clothes. Yup, no doubt about it, you're a DEER.

As you walk down the road, you don't even have to look down to confirm that your feet are indeed... hoves.

While you're walking down the road, you realize you don't know where the fuck you're going, and stop to look around. Spying what looks like a city, you walk towards it, and soon find yourself standing on the edge, wanting to flee back to that meadow you woke up in.

"Hey SLUT!"

you keep staring at the city, hoping the call wasn't meant for you.


Looks like you have no choice, you turn around and see a tall, spidery figure walking towards you.

"W-who are y-y-you?" you say, mentally slapping yourself for sounding so weak.

"Angel Dust. pleasure to meet ya" he says. "you look like your new here, Welcome to Hell!"


"Wait a minute! I-I'm in HELL? As in H-E-L-L, that type of Hell?!" you said. 

Angel Dust had this whole 'Been there, Done that, Got the T-shirt' look on him as he responded,

"Well do ya think this looks like? fuckin' Disney land?! No, of course its Hell!"

"Look, you're lookin' a bit pail, let me take ya to Charlie, she'll know what ta do." He said sympathetically.

You were still a bit untrustworthy, but never the less threw caution to the wind and followed Angel Dust down the road... 

Caramel Apple!     (Lucifer x Reader not really a lemon but still kinda a lemon)Where stories live. Discover now