6- The Interview

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3rd (P.O.V):

"Come on Angel! we're going to be late!" you shouted through your new phone.

"Honey! Chill out! We won't be late!" Angel reassured you, "If the car comes early, you can go on without me, I'll just have Charlie give me a lift!"

"I'M NOT GIVING YOU A LIFT ANGEL! LAST TIME I DID THAT YOU TRASHED MY CAR WITH HOOKERS AND DRUGS!" you heard Charlie's voice drift down the hall. "OK, I'll just have Alastor give me a lift then!" Angel started sounding less and less hopeful. "Angel dear, I'm not going to give you a lift!" Alastor's voice sounded next to you. "WHY?!" You had to hold the phone away from your ear at that, "Well dear, that's really quite simple! I don't want you in my car!"

Silence floated through from the other line, he must be trying to come up with a roast. "Mother fucker." was all Angel said. "What you do with your mother is your business!" Alastor responded happily, it was looking more and more that annoying Angel was his favorite pastime. "Be quiet Alastor!" You whispered, "Look Ang', I need you to finish whatever you're doing up there and come meet us in the car!". "Ugh, fine." Angel responded grumpily.

10 minutes later,  Angel Dust had finally come down from doing who knows what, and the sound of gravel could be heard crunching under the speeding tires. no one talked. you tried to elevate the silence a few times but soon gave up. everyone was just too nervous.

your (P.O.V):

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

I thought as I walked up the stairs, and into the interview room. Katie Kill-Joy stood up and shook my hand when I entered, and Tom Trench sent a wink my way.

"So you're the dip-shit everyone's talking about!" Katie said, I took no offense, I had been told earlier that katie.K can be a bit of a bitch. "At your service!" I answered, "Lovely studio you guys have." I took in the setting,

A desk with the numbers '666' on it had been moved out of the way to make room for a bright red couch with burgundy cushions, set in front of a moving background. As I sat down, a demon ran forward with a pad and pencil and asked me if I wanted anything to drink. "(F/D) Please!" I only had to whisper the words before the demon disappeared and reappeared a moment later with my drink. Katie Kill-Joy and Tom-Trench ran over with doughnuts, handed me one, and sat behind the desk. I watched all the cameras point to Katie and Tom, they obviously wanted to have me revealed later.

"Going live in 3... 2... 1..."

"Hello Hell! I'm Katie Kill-Joy  -" Katie started.

"And I'm Tom Trench!" Trench cut in

"And we are live and have a VERY special guest on air with us tonight, everyone's been talking about her,  ITS (Y/N) (L/N)!!!"
The producer pointed at the 'boo' section and they all cheered, and I watched as the cameras swiveled toward me, flashing my face across screens. I Smiled warmly, tried to sit up a bit straighter, and waved to the cameras.

"So tell me, (Y/N), when did you realize people actually wanted to hear your voice?" Tome Trench asked me.

"Well, It would have had to have been... Yesterday! When my friend Ang' showed me on her phone!" I had felt my throat dry up but the sentence still came with surprising ease.

"Really!?" Katie said, " Can I ask you another question?"

"Fire away!"

"What was that song you were heard singing the other night?" Katie looked generally curious.

Caramel Apple!     (Lucifer x Reader not really a lemon but still kinda a lemon)Where stories live. Discover now