11- Oh hi Mark

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 Your P.O.V:

I Woke up to the sound of gravel under tires, the smell of burning rubber, and a killer headache. I could hear voices and the sound of music over the radio. As I lifted my head, I realized I was actually in the boot of a car and Thought of screaming, That is until I saw the hose that leads from behind one of the seats and into a mask covering my mouth and nose. I don't know if it's for gas or water, but I decide to remain silent.
     My wrists have been rubbed raw from where the ropes and chains have cut in, and I can feel similar abrasions starting to form on my ankles. I was cramped, cold, and in pain. I Let out a groan and slammed my head against the door hoping I could just knock myself out. I hear the music turn down and the voices become more noticeable.
     "Hey! Did you hear that?" A gruff voice said. "No. Just shut up, your imagining things." A different voice mumbled, obviously having been woken from a deep sleep. The radio was turned up again and I released a sigh I hadn't know I'd been holding.

     I was jolted out of a stupor when the car came to a crashing halt, and I could hear the engine being shut off. I blinked as the door was thrown open and a bright light was shone in my face before tape was placed over my eyes. As I was being picked up, a hand reached up to the mask over my nose and mouth and disconnected the hose leading to it. I tried wiggling out of his grasp and was rewarded with a slap across my face. it burned, but I'd learned how to take a hit.
    "Be quiet." A harsh voice said. I went limp, I'd learned my lesson.
     As we walked down the hall, I counted the steps between each turn, I wanted to escape after all. Suddenly I was dropped on to a couch and the tap was ripped off. I blinked quickly, trying to clear my vision.
     "You can leave now." a cold voice spoke. Was It Lucifer? "Where a-am I?" I asked the figure.
"That doesn't matter." They said with a flip of their hand, "I suppose you thought it was Lucifer, Didn't you?" They said as they turned around.

 It was Bloody Mary.

Sorry about the short chapter but I wanted to get something out. Also, a couple of people have commented and PM'd me about a chapter 7, I'm sorry I didn't clarify but  Basically Lucifer called Y/N and got on her shit about being a singer since he was worried that the press would find out about their relationship and he would be humiliated.
So he was pretty much being a selfish ass-hat.

I hope that clears it up!

     - Fallisolation

Psst... Down 'ere.

Make sure to go check out my other stories, like the Wolfsbane Chronicles, and Insomnia! Thanks!

Caramel Apple!     (Lucifer x Reader not really a lemon but still kinda a lemon)Where stories live. Discover now