12- This ain't a Bond film

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Your P.O.V:

I looked into her eye and saw the unmistakable glare of anger.
"I was happy." She said, the ice in her voice like cold daggers, "But of course YOU had to go and ruin everything for me."

"How did I ruin everything for you?" I asked, confused. "Before you came, I was also a performer. Hell, I even had my own show. But the SECOND you showed up, everyone just stopped watching. So I quit. And then when you walked into my shop that day, pleasant as can be, I vowed to my self that I would watch you die." at this point, she was directly in my face, spittle flying from her mouth. "And now..." She drew a long, pointed, spear, "I'll kill you with this."
"With a diamond polished obsidian blade, it will not only slice your body but your soul too. Better say ciao to that spider friend of yours since you not going to be seeing them for a very. Long. Time."
I stared in horror at the blade gleaming before me, and felt a paper-like cut appear where the spear had barely grazed.
I looked away from her as she raised the blade above her head.

"BEGONE TH-" She screamed before her sentence was cut short. I opened my eyes just as a streak of black feathered wings tore past. I blinked in surprise and watched as Bloody Mary was repeatedly slammed against the wall, crushing her skull. The Figure leaned against the wall before dropping the spear to the ground and slumping against the wall, panting slightly.
They then seemed to remember there was a hostage and slowly turned around.

"Y/N.." Lucifer said as he rolled his wings back in place and bent down to untie my wrists. "L-Lucifer?" I said in shock. I'd sent out a tracking alert from the small button I carried with me, But I didn't think it would Lucifer who'd come get me.
I stood up and backed away slightly, but not fast enough. Lucifer flew over to me and wrapped his arms around me protectively. "I missed you so much Y/N" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I wanted to forgive him...
But I still needed to let him keep feeling a little sting.
"Lucifer." I said pushing away from him, "I'm still mad at you."
I took a step back and saw his face fall a little. "Y/N, I never meant- I was- I mean--"
"Shhh." I said and placed my finger on his lips, "That doesn't mean I won't forgive you."
I reached a hand up into his silvery-blond hair and using the other, pulled him by his collar down to my eye level, and kissed him.
He kissed me back, but stiffly, as if he was still afraid to hurt me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder, feeling better than I. had in months. He placed his hands on my hips, and I soon felt myself being lifted into the air, and I turned to look out over the city skyline. I released a laugh and spread my arms out like wings, feeling the air currents run beneath my fingertips.
It felt like only a few moments before we had touched back onto solid ground. I looked around to see where we had landed, and felt a little shock at seeing the palace looming up in front of us.
"This way." Lucifer whispered as he pulled my hand behind him. He knew the place better than I ever could, and I'd only ever been to the manor.
We walked around the darkened castle, running down the hallways, dashing up staircases, and giggling like schoolchildren all the way to the top penthouse.

We laid, panting on the bed, spooning and whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears, and watched the sunrise over Pentagram City.

Hi guys, I've been experiencing a HUGE writer's block lately and needed to take some time off. BUT I AM BACK. So yeah. cool beans. I hope you like how the story's going so far!

Please Vote, Like, And Comment!!!


P.s: It's like, 3:25 am where I am right now and I can't sleep so I thought I'd post instead of buying art supplies online like I always end up doing.

Caramel Apple!     (Lucifer x Reader not really a lemon but still kinda a lemon)Where stories live. Discover now