15- Not what it seems

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Y/N's P.O.V:

I stared a the tall figure in the doorway, and took a step behind Lucifer. "How's Hell?" Ammenadiel said tauntingly. "Fine." Lucifer spat, "How's Heaven?"
Ammenadiel frowned, "A lot has changed since our last meeting, Father is growing more stressed by the day, Heaven has reached its peak population," He swallowed a bit before continuing.
"Father is planning another extermination."
Lucifer turned on Ammenadiel, grabbing his neck and pushing him up against the wall opposite, in the blink of an eye. "And... I am only JUST informed of this?!!?" Ammenadiel rolled out of his grasp and turned to face his brother. "What does it matter?! It's not like they deserve to live!" Ammenadiel sighed and sagged onto a dusty leather armchair, causing the dust-bunnies to dance in the fading rays of sunlight through the slitted bars. "Hell won't be the only city receiving extermination, anyway. Parkway is going to be... cleansed, 3/4 of Evergreen will be moved to Parkway, and 1/2 of the Sliver City will be moved to Evergreen." Lucifer glared at his brother, "Hell will be receiving its extermination ON TIME, Which is in 4 months, thank you very much. And I don't need Father meddling his long nose in my business." At this point, I was barely following along. 
I released a sigh, and leaned back in my chair, waiting for the show to resume. Ammenadiel seemed to finally acknowledge my presence in the tense room, and turned his gaze towards me. 

"Well, well, well... Who do we have here?" He said, a sick smirk on his face as his eyes roamed up and down my body, taking in every detail. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, and my eyes widen. Lucifer noticed and placed himself in his Brother's view, a look of anger bearly concealed on his face. "She, is none of your business"
Ammenadiel simply drew his grin wider, "Oh Brother, I do believe she Is." Lucifer released a low growl, his wings were starting to smoke, and small horns poked through the skin on his forehead. Lucifer took a deep breath, calming himself down, and spoke to me.
"Y/N, go to the kitchen, please." His voice shook slightly, and I slowly backed out of the room into the hall. Once I was out of Ammenadiel's sight, I turned and ran down the hall to an empty room.
Slamming the door, at sat down at the base of it. Why had Ammenadiel's gaze looked so... Hungry? I sighed again and placed my head on my knees, and waited.

Lucifers P.O.V:

I listened to her feet run down the hall and the sound of a door slamming. Good, I didn't like the way Ammenadiel was looking at her. Ammenadiel had that stupid smirk on his face again.
I let my claws slide out as I slapped him hard across the face.
"Wipe that ugly grin off your face and focus." I snarled. Ammenadiel growled before sitting back down. "I'm fine with your cleansing of Parkway, but no one from The Court decides the fate of hell without my permission." I leaned against the wall behind me. "Why do you care?" Ammenadiel glared, "All that's down there is scum, drugs, and prostitutes like the one you brought with you." I tensed at the mention of Y/N like that, how dare He.

I pushed my self off the wall, my wings changing from their usual slick black feathers, to leathery Demon wings, and my horns growing longer with each step. "I really wish you hadn't said that," I spoke, keeping my voice even. "What?" Ammenadiel said, tauntingly, "Prostitu-" I curled my hand into a fist and slammed into the side of his repulsive face. Ammenadiel was on his feet in a second, his wings unfurling behind him. He lifted his hand up to his chin and wiped away a small trail of blood. "All that for a little blood?" he said. "I was holding back." I snarled. Ammenadiel ran at me, but I simply sidestepped and stuck out my leg. He tripped over my foot and lay sprawled on the floor. I stepped on the back of his neck, and trailed one claw down his back, watching as skin and bone split, and small rivers of blood began making their way down my brothers back. I leaned down towards his quivering frame.

"Know your place." I whispered in his ear. 

I stood up, straightened my tie, and flicked a piece of dust of my jacket. "Next time brother," I said down at the quivering figure below me, to weakened to get up, "Next time, Maybe Don't insult my Girlfriend." I retracted my wings, and turned around.

"Y/N!" I called, I wanted to get her out before Ammenadiel healed completely. "L-Lucifer? Are you ok? I heard shou-" I stopped her with a kiss, "I'm Fine, Ammenadiel was just leaving." I looked around for a backdoor. "Shall we go my dear?" She nodded and started walking towards the front door. "Wait!" I called, panicked, "Lets... not go that way... Things may have gotten a bit..." She smirked, "Physical?" I nodded. "O-okay, We can go out the back way!" I laughed and picked her up bridal style. She gasped a little but soon started giggling, "Lucifer! I can plenty well walk!" I smirked at her, Father, her smile is so infectious! "Only the best for my Dear!" I booped her on the nose before unfurling my wings once more, thankfully they had changed back to their midnight black, and took to the skies.

I KNOW I KNOW! I POSTED LATE AND IM SORRY! I just love procrastinating!

I hope you guys are enjoying snacking on all that toilet paper you stockpiled, I sure am! If you have lost anyone or are infected with COVID-19, Hang in there! This will get better eventually!


Caramel Apple!     (Lucifer x Reader not really a lemon but still kinda a lemon)Where stories live. Discover now