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      We had landed in the palace, looking out around us at the chaos. Screams sounded from every corner of Hell. 

What. Had. Charlie. Done.

I looked down at Y/N, and felt her shrink back into my arms. I had to get her somewhere safe. Y/N first, everything else second. She was all that mattered. "Y/n. Y/n. I going to leave you here, at the palace, I'll make sure your safe, Okay? I need to deal with this, but you matter more to Me." She pulled her face out of my shirt, and looked at me with glistening eyes. "W-will you b-be Okay?" She whispered. "Better than okay." I closed my eyes and put my forehead to hers.
"I'll come back to you," I said. "promise?" She whispered.



I was flying towards the Hotel, or where it once was, that is. In place of the Hotel, a large, deep crevice had opened up, and long tentacles reached toward the sky, throwing around a figure clad in pink.

I flew into the doors of the hotel, And saw Charlie crouched on the ground, crying over a monotone, bleeding figure on the ground. "Charlie," I said. She slowly held her head up and locked eyes with me. I saw pain, betrayal, and fear. "Charlie! What. Happened." I spoke to her with a stern voice, this was no time for niceties.

"I-I don't k-know. O-One minute, everything was fine, T-The next, Al is gone and Everything is on fire a-and Husk is missing, and VAGGIE IS DEAD!" She curls into a ball, tears pouring down her cheeks, silently sobbing into her girlfriend's shirt as the crimson liquid drizzled from the gaping hole in her stomach.
I felt a pang of guilt, I had actually really enjoyed Vaggie, she had always treated Charlie much better than anyone else.  I kneel down and turn her head up to face me, "Go to the palace, you'll be safe there. DO NOT STOP. Do you understand?" She nods, and backs away from Vaggie, I hold my hand over her chest and close my eyes, feeling the power run through my veins, along with sadness for what charlie must be experiencing. When I open my eyes, all that remains is small whisps of gold, slowly being blown away by the hot wind.

When I turn around, Charlie has disappeared. Good, I want her to stay safe. 

An explosion sounds, and I hear the soft thud of a body land next to me. 
"This motherfuckers dead." I hear them growl. It sounds similar to That druggie friend of Y/N's. I turn my head and my eyes land on the scantily clad figure, no cocky grin on his face, his Tommy Gun held tight in two of his four arms, while another holds him up and dusts himself off.

(Angel's P.O.V)

"That Motherfuckers dead." I growl. Picking up my gun, I dust off my vest and tighten my bowtie. If I die, I die in style.

"Angel Dust." I jump out of my skin and shoot my sight up. Standing in front of me is Lucifer, holding out a gloved hand, looking Regal, powerful, 

And pissed.

I grab his hand and pull myself up. "Your highness." I bow. "We don't time for that, Tell me what happened, I couldn't get a straight answer out of Charlie." He says grimly. "It was Al. As soon as you left, He took control." I gulped, "He's killing anyone who opposes his shit."
I watch as He sighs, and closes his eyes. "How many dead?"
"At least 6,000. Valentino, Vox, Rom and Katie, Rosie, and Sir Pentious are among them."

Lucifer whips around, his eyes changing from a bright green to a dangerous red, "He's killed Bosses?!" I nod quickly, flinching away. 

"Why? Were you attached to them?" A jaunty, static-filled laugh calls to us from across the ravine.
We both turn facing the voice, we already know who it is. Alastor. 

(Lucifers P.O.V)

I know what I need to do. Closing my eyes, I concentrate all my power in my hand, calling for my ArchAngel blade, the sacred Weapon all fallen Angels have, formed from their purity which dripped off their wings as they came to Hell. The hilt of mine starts forming in my hand, a golden blade, slim, swift, and efficient, glowing with a faint golden light. I open my eyes, a smirk playing my face, not even Alastor could have expected an ArchAngel blade. My eyes meet his, he looks shocked, but covers it with faked calmness so quickly someone else would have mistaken it for the flickering flames surrounding us.

I flap my wings, ready to take off.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Alastor snaps his fingers and suddenly two demons appear, floating blades held up with voodoo magic press against their throats.



I'm sorry for not publishing these past few months, I've really been trying but life just sucks. I hate living.
See you in the Next chapter?


Caramel Apple!     (Lucifer x Reader not really a lemon but still kinda a lemon)Where stories live. Discover now