Chapter 12: 'I am not a hero'

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My new life was different, weird, and somehow I was content.
I stopped at a clothes shop, got out my car and walked to the window. Inside was a mannequin wearing a red dress. It would look so good on Alison, much better than the hand-me-down dress she had gotten at the orphanage. The one she had to patch up and sew. Should I get her a dress? It would make her happy.
I like it when she is happy. Inside the store, an elderly woman was antagonizing an attendant. As she turned to talk to the manager, she had demanded to see, I could see the intense hatred in the attendants eyes. At that point in time I could see that he was thinking "oh my gosh, I will kill this lady!", but he will not, he cannot.
He cannot purposely end a human life. People think about killing someone everyday but they never act on these thoughts. There is something holding them back.
They cannot kill. I can. I have always struggled to understand emotion properly.
I have been empty and confused. I have felt rage and anger and now recently I have felt love. Weird. I smile as I remembered the first victim I had killed.
The look on his face as his life escaped him, it will never leave me.
The feeling afterwards was and still is the best feeling I have ever felt. Contentment. Planning the kill, being one-step ahead, being attuned to all your senses, the energy rush, the calm, precise movements and then the conclusive final end. I really need to kill someone. I turned away from the window and got back to the car. I smiled and started planning. I knew my next kill. This would be fun.

I like leather chairs. I always have. I can remember the first time I sat in a leather chair. A Psychologist was trying to "help" me. I had just killed my first victim.
I sat back in the chair looking at the ceiling and as I waited, I thought about my first kill, about the look on his face. Good times. The sound of the front door opening jolted me out of my daydream and all at once all my senses were alert. He put up his coat and made his way to the kitchen. Must have been a long day at work if the first thing he goes for is a cold stiff drink. He was coming up the stairs, closer and closer.
After work he always went to his office, it was his place of solitude. Tonight he would be at peace, but only after a little chaos. I watched as the handle on the door turned and the door opened.

"Good evening Mr Waarbek," I spoke softly, he jumped back astonished.
He dropped his drink and turned to his cupboard, fumbling to open the drawer as far as possible.
"Looking for this?" I said as I held up his gun he had hidden but I had found.
He was shaking but he calmed down and his professionalism kicked in.
He stopped being scared and once again became Police Commissioner John Waarbek. He looked at me with an intense death stare and asked, "Who are you and what do you want?" I smiled. This is the fun part.
I got up, he tensed, and I spoke "I am Za'aphiel". His eyes widened in shock and he took a step back. He knew all about me. He was leading an investigation against me.
He knew I never failed. He knew he was not going out of this room alive. He put his arms in the air and tried to beg and bargain with me. As he moved back, I moved forward. I was speaking fast ignoring his feeble attempts to bargain for his life.
"You think you know me? You have investigated me, you know my kills and how they work. I am the Guardian Angel. I save the world from bad people, men who hurt women. You are not bad, are you? What sins have you committed? That picture on your desk with you and your wife smiling happily, was that a lie? Do you beat her or are you cheating on her? What is your sin? There has to be one since you automatically assume that I am here to kill you.'

He answered frantically and afraid, 'please I love my wife. I would never cheat on her or do anything to hurt her. I'm innocent. Please, I am innocent.'
I laughed briefly and said, 'nobody is innocent commissioner. Not you and definitely not me. I believe when you say you love your wife. She is beautiful. I too am in love but that is beside the point. Your assumption was correct. Despite your lack of sin I am here to kill you. Things are different now more complicated and I have to abandon my usual modis operandum. I regret to be the one to do this but you have to die.'

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