Chapter 10: 'Forgive me Father'

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As I drove home I saw the world for what it truly was, a disgusting mess of disorder and chaos. I saw people shouting at each other, people fighting and people contributing to the unending chaos. Men cheated on their wives, wives lied to their husbands.
They took drugs to escape their lives and alcohol to forget their problems.
 In a world of drugs, alcohol and sexual debauchery, chaos reigns supreme.
 Families are torn apart, peoples jobs and homes are lost and they are driven to the edge of their sanity.
The world is sick and full of chaos, but worst of all it enjoys the chaos.
 The world loves it sins and feeds of its pain. People believe they deserve to suffer and enjoy making others suffer too. The world does not want to be saved, people do not want to change.
Children do not want to eat their vegetables but they need to. Their parents love them so they make them eat their vegetables. The world does not want to be saved from chaos but people need to be saved. So I will save them. It is my purpose to do so.

I slept that night for the first time in a long time; I did not toss and turn nor be haunted by nightmares. I woke up and stretched. I was calm and collected. No confusion, no worries and absolutely no chaos. This is how I was when I had a purpose, a plan, when I knew what it was I was supposed to do. I started on my workouts, beginning with my katas, controlled movements done in pattern and rhythm.
 As my muscles tensed and relaxed, I set my mind free, I let it wonder. When the kata ended with a short fast punch into the air in front of me, I stood tense with sweat dripping off me.

 I had one image in my mind, Alison. She was the one constant image on my mind.
I needed to understand why, I needed to get her out of mind so I could live free of confusion and chaos. I went to shower with a wicked smile on my face, I knew what needed to be done.

I stepped out the house in a smart, black Armani suit. As I buttoned my cuff links and put on my designer glasses, the wicked smile never left my face. I bet death has never looked this good. Each step I took was with confidence and determination.
 Then my phone rang, it was the Gentleman, seemed Alison had to wait.
I had orders to go to the bishop. My personal crusade would have to be put on hold.
 The Gentleman had something I needed. He was the boss. I took out my car keys and smiled. Yes, I would be taking the Ferrari today. I decided after my incident where I stole the black Ferrari that I should get myself one. Mine was a dark sophisticated navy blue. It suited my tie. I got in and turned on the radio, classical piano by Bach – sophistication.

I parked around the corner from the cathedral. I got out the car and looked around.
 It was a sunny day. There were only one or two clouds scattered in the sky, birds were singing, children were laughing. Couples went in and out of the cathedral joyful with smiles on their faces. It was a picture of peace – no chaos. I took a deep breath and walked the path to my redemption or conviction.

“Forgive me Father for I have sinned,” it was half-true, yes, I had sinned but I was not asking for forgiveness.
 “I know Za’aphiel, you have sinned, and the Gentleman is not too happy about your transgressions.” The bishop spoke like an old man. I could not see through the grated board between us. In our business, name and faces were not important. We all had names given to us and those names were all we knew of each other.
 The bishop continued, “You are an enigma, Za’aphiel. We thought we had you all figured out. The Gentleman had given you a purpose and set you on a path, but it seems now you have wavered. The mess up with the prostitute girl was unfortunate and understandable but then killed your driver, attacked a businessman and stole a car you could easily afford. What was the reasoning behind this? What were you thinking? This is was all very unprofessional and unexpected from you but it was taken care of and easily managed. Then you killed Reilly. You ended the life of an important member of The Firm. Someone who was extremely valuable to us and if I recall correctly he was your friend. What was his sin? Why did Reilly have to die?
 I answered calmly, “Chaos…” The bishop was silent for a while then continued his voice clear cut and no more like a caring father.
 This was now about business, “Nevertheless, despite your transgressions, you are the best and you are needed. The Gentleman has a job that he said only you are capable of doing. He will meet you personally to discuss the particulars. There are just a few rules and regulations to seeing the Gentleman. No eye contact, do not speak unless you are asked to answer a question, stay seated until he has left the room, do not make any sudden movements for if you do or if you disobey any of the rules, you will die. Good luck Za’aphiel. May the lord be with you.”

I walked out the cathedral with a smile on my face. The sun shone warm and bright.
I was to see The Gentleman and when I did he would allow me to fulfill my purpose.
As I walked to the car my bliss was interrupted by two men in a heated argument with one man shouting angrily. Anger and rage, tools of chaos. The one man had reversed out of his parking and in an error of judgement bumped into the car behind him breaking the leftside headlights. The owner of the Porsche with now broken lights went into a rage and in a matter of seconds chaos reigned supreme.

My hands clenched into tight fists. I walked towards them slowly but purposefully. Before I got to them a loud voice boomed out behind me, 'please my children, do not raise your voices outside the glorious house of God. This is a place of worship and forgiveness so let us forgive one other and go forth in peace.' I turned to see The Bishop. He looked at me with a stern expression and I nodded and walked back to my car.
 The men got into their respective cars cursing under their breath and drove off in angered haste. I started the car and drove off calmly and slowly.

I had not seen The Gentleman since the day I had chosen to become Za’aphiel.
 He was possibly the most powerful man on the planet. There were only two people that rivaled him, The Baron and The Spaniard.
They were the other two heads of the firm. There had always been three in charge and in control. The firm was the largest criminal organization in the world, the largest the world had ever seen. From petty street criminals to assassins like me, all the way up to the heads of the states. The firm had a hand in everything. I was the Gentleman’s creation and answered to him only. I had never met the rest of the board or had any orders or interactions from them. The Gentleman controlled assassinations, the streets and complicated assignments. The Baron controlled the business and political issues and The Spaniard controlled foreign interests. The bodyguards frisked me. I did not have a weapon on me, I am not that stupid, nor did I need one to kill someone anyway.

As they searched me, I thought of all the ways I could take them down. Oh, how easy it would be. Sigh, but I will be good for now. They led me into a room, sat me down in a chair and left the room, time to meet my creator. I took in a deep breath as a figure stepped forward.

“Hello Za’aphiel, nice to meet you again.” His voice was the same as I remembered, full of authority and power. There were many things I wanted to say and questions to ask but I was unable to speak. I sat there silent and in awe of this man who commanded respect and obedience. He walked around the room, watching me.
 He continued, “You have caused quite a mess, Za’aphiel. When you and I first met you were broken and alone and without purpose. I gave you a purpose. You became the saving angel and took those who sinned out of this world. You saved women, who like your mother, were victims of mans animalistic cruelty. You did your job well, you ended evil and saved the innocent. That was until a couple of days ago. You killed a woman Kyle. I thought that’s what you were against, but as I understand it she was a victim you previously saved. You saved her from being raped and then she became a sex worker, quite disappointing I understand. She was no-one important and no-one mourned her death, but Reilly is different. He was important to this company and his death was not ordered or sanctioned. You killed one of us, one of your own. The Bishop said your reason for this was chaos?’ I nodded, still silent.
He continued, ‘the board considers you a liability, they say you need to be terminated.
You killed a valuable asset who didn’t give you a reasonable reason to kill him and for this the board has declared you unstable and a threat. I am the one who put you in the field. I am the one who is responsible for you. So at the moment things aren’t going so well with me and the rest of the board so if I am to keep this business running smoothly I am going to have to oblige to the boards wishes.
I do not, however, want this company to run smoothly. I want it to be so much more and in order to do that I need your help.’
My help? I looked up at him inquisitively as he smiled and sat down next to me.
 He continued, ‘the Spaniard and the baron are holding me back, seeping away my power and preventing The Firm from being what it needs to be. I need you to help me gain control of the firm. That way I can prevent your termination and give you what you want most in the world. The board said you were unstable and ordered your termination, but I know you Za’aphiel. You are too valuable to lose. The world needs you to cleanse it of its filth. The police are looking for you and I have something you want.
I am powerless now. I need you to give me full power so that I can keep you alive and make The Firm greater than it has ever been. So I can recreate this world we live in and control it all. I want it all. Za’aphiel, I want it all. I need your help. I need you to get control. Take out The Baron. The Spaniard I can handle. Take out The Baron and his loyal disciples and I will give you what you want. Za’aphiel, I have your father.”

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