Chapter 19: 'For Alison'

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I stood in a dark alley. It was the very same alley where I had given in to my feelings for Alison. I had asked her to meet me here, at the time she didn't know it was me who she would meet. She thought she was going to meet Alfred Richards. It turned out I was Alfred Richards, it was a fake name I had used to lure her here.
I stood in the shadows, the exact same spot I had stood as I had waited for her. I looked out towards the entrance of the alley and imagined her walking towards me.
I stepped out of the shadows and walked forward. Each step I took exactly the same as the steps I had taken that night. I stood in the middle of the alley. This is where I had stood and spoken to Alison. I stood there now with tears starting to well up in my eyes.
I truly did love her and it was on the night I had met her here that I had realized it.
Old man Williams was right, she was my soul mate and soon my soul would join hers.
'Hey pretty boy,' a gruff voice behind me said. I turned to see a dirty middle-aged man holding a knife. He was wearing a shabby brown coat and a dark black cap that was tipped down low in an attempt to remain incognito.
He held up the knife menacingly, 'hand over your money, cellphone and that pretty watch of yours and there won't be any trouble.' This man was a thief that stole from others and ruined their lives. By the way he was holding the knife I could tell that he knew how to use it. He has, more than likely used the knife on a number of occasions.
This meant he did not deserve to live and needed to die in order to save potential future victims of his. I looked at him with a grim expression and took a small step forward.
He pointed the knife at me and raised his voice threateningly, 'now don't be trying to be a hero or it'll be the last thing you ever do. Hurry up and be a good boy.'
As I tensed my muscles and got ready to strike I thought of Alison. This was her night. She would of given the man her money and would have urged me to do the same.
She wouldn't want me to kill him, she didn't want me to be a monster. Tonight was about Alison and tonight there would not be any death. I sighed and relaxed.
I unclipped my watch and held it out to him. He smiled and stepped forward.
As he lowered his knife and stepped forward I reacted with furious speed. I grabbed his wrist and twisted causing him to howl in pain and drop the knife. With the same hand I pulled him forward and brought my knee into his solar-plexus knocking all the air out of him. I let go of his wrist and grabbed his throat pushing him back up against the wall of the alleyway. I could feel the anger swell up inside of me and he could see it in my eyes.
I held him by his throat, choking him, and said, 'you do not deserve to live. You steal, you hurt innocents and you kill. You are a selfish, greedy and cruel animal that needs to be put down. I am the saving angel that eradicates the world of filth like you. Luckily for you tonight belongs to Alison. She has saved you. So when I let go of you, you start running. You run and you don't look back. You don't stop running until this place is just a distant memory. If I ever see you again I will kill you. You have my word, now run.'
I let go of him and he ran. I didn't kill him because of Alison.

I walked the same path I had walked that night with Alison. Before long I found myself at the diner where we had gone in for a cup of coffee. I walked in and looked around.
It was busier than it was last time I was here. I walked slowly to the same table that Alison and I had sat, luckily it was empty. I sat down, the tears starting to well up in my eyes again.
'You okay son?' asked an elderly waitress. She had bags under her eyes and wore way to much make-up.
I looked up at her, smiled and said, 'everything is okay thanks. If it's not any trouble please may that waitress serve me when she's done with that family.'
I gestured towards the young waitress that had served Alison and myself last time.
The older waitress looked at me with condescending smirk. I just smiled and said, 'she served me last time I was here. I'm a creature of habit and don't like change.'
She walked away and chuckled to herself. This was the table where we had sat sat and discussed what we meant to each other. The young waitress came up to me. She was blushing and trying not to show it. The elder waitress snickered in the background. Obviously both of them had the wrong idea of why I waited the younger waitress to serve me. She smiled and said, 'good evening sir, my name is Amy. Could I take your order please sir?'
'I'll have a coffee please. Just a coffee.'
She smiled and rushed off. She looked like a sweet naïve girl. She was probably from a poor home. A poor but happy home, she looked like she was happy and well mannered. She was working as a waitress but had dreams to be a movie star. She was waiting for a rich handsome man to notice her and turn her life into a fantasy.
I was not that man, no matter what the chuckling older waitress thought.
Amy returned with my coffee and as she put it down she smiled a shy smile at me. I took a sip of the coffee, just a small sip and then put it down. I then sat back in the chair.
I sat and remembered Alison. Remembered every single moment I had spent with her.
I remembered every word she spoke to me and every smile she smiled at me.

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