chapter thirteen

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February 24th, the day of the second task, came quickly, and soon, I was in the Great Hall, eating breakfast quietly with Draco. He sat across from me, silent.

"Have you seen Star anywhere?" I eventually asked.

"No, isn't she in your dorm?"

"She wasn't there this morning. It's strange that neither of us have seen her. I hope she's alright."

"Me too," Draco said. "Oh, and today, good luck."

After a few more minutes of silence, I left the Great Hall to get ready for the task. All I needed to do was tie my hair up and put on my swimsuit, but I wanted to be prepared. I did what I needed to do, replaced my robes over my suit, and walked out to the Black Lake. The champions hadn't been called yet, but Fleur, Viktor, and Cedric were already waiting. I couldn't find Harry.

I stepped onto the shore of the lake and waited for the beginning of the trial, wand in hand. The stands began filling up with spectators, but Harry still hadn't shown up. I was starting to get worried. And where was Star? I still hadn't seen her and it was scaring me. She always knows how to calm me down.

A booming voice sounded from a spire in the stands. "Thank you for joining us on this fine day! We will be watching the five champions complete the second task of the Triwizard Tournament today. In case you've forgotten since the last task," the wizard yelled, addressing the crowd, "these are our champions!"

As he announced our names and schools, I noticed Harry run to the lake, panting hard. I tried to ask him what was wrong, but he didn't hear me, instead taking off his robes to reveal his swimsuit. I did the same.

"Champions!" the announcer screamed. "Get ready to swim!"

I pulled out my wand, ignoring my competitors. "Respiraro Aqua," I whispered. "Natara Cele."

A sharp whistle blew, and I dove into the water. Feeling my spells work immediately, I could breathe, and I sped through the water as if I weren't even swimming. It only took me about twenty minutes to reach the bottom of the lake. I passed a group of Grindylows, which surprisingly ignored me. Instead, they waved and swam around me excitedly, as if they recognised me. They might have, considering how often Grindylows passed the Slytherin common room.

I continued swimming, eventually coming to a small castle-shaped complex. Selkies and merfolk guarded the area, protecting even the outside like a child with its toys. I slowly approached the merfolk, bowing calmly. I waited for the guards to allow me through, and finally, they did without hurting me.

I swam over the palace grounds, looking around for something that might have been of importance to me. Large statues stood tall in front of me, and I saw Star tied tightly to one of them. I raced up to her, forgetting any other worry immediately. I reached for a sharp rock from the ground and quickly sliced the ropes from around her skin, freeing her. She was unconscious, though, so I helped her swim upwards, my spells working well.

I hit the surface, lifting both my head and Star's head out of the water so that we could breathe.

"Y/n Potter has completed the task!" the announcer called out, earning shouts and cheers. I swam to the shore and laid Star down, sitting next to her calmly. I looked around to see that I was alone except for Fleur Delacour, who sat a bit away, crying. Soon, Viktor Krum emerged from the water to positive yells. He brought Hermione Granger with him.

Shortly after, Cedric broke the surface with a girl I recognised as a Ravenclaw fifth-year. All of the champions were out of the water except for my brother. We waited for him for a while.

"Harry Potter had completed the task! That means all of our champions have returned, and scoring may begin!"

Harry set Ron and a blond girl on the shore and laid next to them, out of breath. The girl looked like Fleur, and she ran over to Harry to thank him.

The announcer took over again. "Fleur Delacour kept her total of twenty-five points since she forfeited. Viktor Krum is in fourth place with eighty points. Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter are tied for third and second, both with eighty-five points. Y/n Potter is once again is first place, thanks to some impeccable heroic and magic action. Potter has ninety-five out of a hundred possible points!" He paused to allow the cheering to die down again. "These points will benefit the champions in the third task."


"Y/n! That was so cool!" Star gushed again, giving me another hug. "Thank you for saving me from the bottom of the lake."

I laughed. "Anytime."

"Oh, I just remembered that Harry said something about wanting to talk to you," my friend said. "He's in the library right now. You can go if you want, and I'm here if you need to talk about it afterwards."

I nodded. "Thanks for telling me." I gave her another quick hug and left the hallway for the library.

"Hey, Y/n," Harry said as soon as I entered.


We sat down. "Look," he said, "I know I've kind of been ignoring you this year since the thing on the train. I've just been mad because you chose Malfoy over me."

"You're right, I did."

"Why did you? I'm your brother. We're supposed to be together forever, you know? Obviously, not literally, but you understand what I mean."

"I'm allowed to have other friends," I retorted, my thoughts becoming blurry as emotions, both good and bad, poured into my mind.

"Of course you are," he answered defensively, "but I'm your brother. I'm supposed to come first.""Says who? Look, Harry, I appreciate this, but if all you want to do is tell me that I should choose you over my friends, I don't need to hear it." I stood up and started walking out the door, my vision becoming fuzzy as tears flooded my eyes.

𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙡𝙨 (𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗒 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋) Where stories live. Discover now