chapter thirty-eight

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The next day, Draco was back to full health, and the only thing that had changed was that there was now a large pink scar going down his chest. His hatred for Harry was also stronger, but that was to be expected, considering he nearly killed Draco.

I was in the common room, sitting at a table with Draco. Star was across from us, comparing our Herbology notes. She was barely paying attention to my papers; instead, she was mumbling quietly to herself, thinking.

"I wish that the N.E.W.T.s were this year," I said randomly.

"Why?" Draco asked, gently holding my hand in his.

"We're getting a lot of work for something that's over a year away."

"Professor Sprout has been acting like the test is next week, and I'm not even taking the Herbology exam," Draco added. "What exams are you taking, Y/n?"

"Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and Herbology. I'm also taking Care of Magical Creatures. You?"

"I'm taking Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Transfiguration," Draco said.

I started to answer, but someone else cut me off.

"Potter?" the person said unconfidently.

I looked around to see a small second-year standing behind me."Yes?"

"U-um," the student stammered, "your brother is waiting outside of the common room. He said that he needed to talk to you immediately."

"Thank you," I said before the second-year ran off. I turned to Draco and Star. "Well, I have no clue what's to happen, but I'll talk to you later." I gave Draco a quick kiss before leaving the common room. As I entered the hallway, I planned sentences that I could yell at Harry with.

"What were you thinking?" I shouted, reaching him. "You nearly killed Draco!"

"I know," he said. "I didn't know what the spell did. I'm sorry."

"You should apologise to him, not me."

"Now isn't the time to fight," Harry said. "Dumbledore needs to talk to us."

Without another thought, we began walking towards his office.

"Dumbledore's taking us to find one of the Horcruxes," Harry explained. We walked up the stairs to reach Dumbledore's office, and we entered once told to.

"Good evening, Y/n and Harry. I trust that you both know why I have called you here?"

"Yes, sir," I said. "Which Horcrux will we be finding?"

"Slytherin's locket," Dumbeldore said quickly. "Before we part, there is one condition the both of you must follow: you must immediately obey any command I might give without question. If I tell you to hide, flee, or leave me behind and save yourself, will you?"

Harry and I hesitated. "Yes, sir," we eventually said.

"Very good. Harry, please grab your Invisibility Cloak and meet me at the entrance hall in five minutes' time. Y/n, is there anything you must grab before we leave?"

I thought quickly and the first thing to pop into my mind was Draco. "Yes, sir. I'll meet you at the entrance hall."

Harry and I then ran out of the office and turned in different directions to reach our common rooms. As soon as I arrived, I burst into the Slytherin area.

"It's going to happen tonight," Star said quietly.

"Why tonight?" Draco whispered back angrily.

𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙡𝙨 (𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗒 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋) Where stories live. Discover now