valentine's day special

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this is a non-canon special chapter since it's valentine's day and we're all too lonely for our own good. enjoy :)


Star chuckled, pulling me through the store to look at something. She pointed at a bottle full of chocolate stars and said, "Look, they're perfect for me."

I smiled and grabbed one from the shelf. "I'll get you some."

"Aw, thanks, Y/n. Are you going to get something for Draco?"

"Yeah, I just don't know what to get."

"Hm. Maybe we can look around Hogsmeade and find the perfect thing," Star suggested.

I shrugged, agreeing to the plan. I paid for Star's chocolate stars and we left Honeydukes. As we walked through Hogsmeade's snow-covered streets, I looked at all of the passing shop windows. Each featured bright red and pink decorations or products in hopes of getting customers looking for Valentine's Day gifts. Even though I didn't understand the hype about the holiday, I still thought it was fun that you could buy value packs of candy and treat the people around you.

My eyes locked on Draco as he walked into a shop across the street. I grabbed Star's hand and began to pull her to the store, but she wouldn't budge, even when I explained that I wanted to see Draco.

"Nope, nope, nope," she said rapidly. "Here, let's, uh, go into Gladrags." Star then dragged me through the door of a clothing store that smelled strongly of new shoes and peppermint.

"Why can't we say hi to Draco?" I asked, confused.

Star stumbled over her words, trying to think of an excuse. "He's with, um . . . he's with Blaise right now. We shouldn't interrupt them," she answered, although her last sentence sounded more like a question rather than a statement.

Instantly, I realised that she was hiding something, but I shrugged it off as to not ruin her fun. "Okay," I said. "Let's look through the store."

We walked further into Gladrags Wizardwear, observing the robes and other clothes sitting on the shelves. Eventually, I picked up an oversized black hoodie and hugged it. I loved hoodies before coming to Hogwarts and being introduced to robes and uniforms. Even though Draco had probably never even seen a hoodie before, I was determined to show him a new world of comfortable clothes. Plus, if he liked it, I would be able to steal his hoodie and wear it.

I grabbed two more hoodies, a grey one for Star and a blue one for me, and brought them to the counter to pay for them.

New hoodies now purchased and in a bag, Star and I walked out of the store.

"I want to buy something for you," Star whined. "You've been so nice and I feel bad."

"Don't feel bad, it's okay. I like getting you guys stuff," I said with a laugh. "You and Draco deserve it--"

I stopped as I noticed Draco and Blaise walking in our direction, their faces both visibly frustrated.

Star saw the boys too and pulled me into the next store. We happened to be back in Honeydukes.

"Maybe I'll just buy you, like, the whole candy store," Star said, laughing. "But seriously, pick something."

Hesitantly, I picked up a chocolate frog. She grabbed it from my hand, and, along with a bunch of other candies, paid. As I waited for her to get through the line, the door opened, ringing a tiny bell as it did.

"I just--I don't know what to get her! What would you do in this situation?"

"Considering I'm in the same situation as you, I'm the wrong person to ask."

The two voices were familiar, and I turned to see none other than Draco and Blaise. Star turned and quickly shushed them right before paying, and when she had her bag of sweets, pulled me out of the door. Once again, we were out in the cold streets.

I shivered in the sudden cold. "Maybe we should go back to the castle? I think I got everything that I wanted to buy."

Star thought for a minute. "That's a good idea," she said, "but give me a moment." She opened the door to Honeydukes again and walked inside, saying something to Draco and Blaise before rejoining me outside.

We began to walk back to Hogwarts, showing each other our purchases and chuckling at stupid jokes.

"Star!" someone yelled, running up behind us. A Slytherin boy was holding a small bouquet of roses and panting; he must have run the whole village before finding us. "Will you, um, accept this gift?"

"Aww," I said, giggling. "Star!"

She smiled and took the flowers from his outstretched hand. "Of course," she said sweetly.

"I'm Troy Rodriguez," he said. "Thank you so much! I hope you like the flowers. I'll leave you alone now."

He ran off again, and I turned to Star, giggling. "He was so sweet," I said.

"I feel bad that I just let him run away like that," Star answered, even though she was laughing. "Okay, okay. Let's get back to the castle."

We continued walking. Eventually, we entered the Slytherin common room, enjoying the warmth of the castle. We sat on the couch by the fire even though we could have sat nearly anywhere; the common room was almost empty since most of the students were still in Hogsmeade, in their dorm, or with someone around the castle.

Star checked her watch. "Draco and Blaise will be back soon, I think. Quick, hide your gifts so he doesn't know you got him anything until he sits with you."

I obliged, putting the bag I had put together on the side of the couch not visible from the entrance, which was in front of me.

Star was right; Draco and Blaise walked in quietly after just a few minutes. Star stood up and sat somewhere else, giving me a smile and a thumbs-up from her new seat across the room. Blaise sat at the table, waiting for someone, and Draco walked over to me, sitting next to me.

He gave me a quick kiss and then asked how I was feeling. I said that I was well, then picked up the bag with his gifts.

"Did you get me something?" he asked.

I nodded, smiling. "Here, open it.

He took the bag and pulled out the chocolate first. He then grabbed them hoodie and held it in front of him, confused. "What is this?"

"It's called a hoodie. It's like a jumper, only it has a hoodie and a pocket in the front. I loved them so much before I came to Hogwarts," I explained. "Try it on."

Draco pulled it on over his shirt and adjusted it slightly. "It's soft," he noted, "and comfortable. I love it."

I smiled. "I'm glad."

"Oh, I got you something too." Draco grabbed a small box of candy and some flowers. "I wasn't totally sure what to get you, but I hope you like it."

"Thank you," I said, hugging him. "I'm just happy that I get to spend time with you."

Draco smiled and held me close. "You're so perfect, Y/n."

I sat up out of Draco's arms to kiss him, grinning into it as our lips collided together. We stayed like that for a moment or two, lips moving in sync, neither of us wanting to pull away even to breathe.

When we finally separated, both panting and smiling, I fell back into his arms, feeling safe and loved next to him.

"Happy Valentine's Day, love."

𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙡𝙨 (𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗒 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋) Where stories live. Discover now