special request - voldemort vs y/n (mma style)

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this is a non-canon chapter that was requested by elamvlfoy . keep in mind i have absolutely no clue how mma works, so this may be really incorrect lol. plus,, this is random as heck. enjoy :)


"Hi, my name's Ronald Weasley here at the Hogwarts Training and Fighting Center!" the new announcer yelled as he walked around the crowd. "Right now, fighters Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are battling it out!"

I watched as my brother and my boyfriend fought, both throwing punches and dodging each other's attacks.

Draco managed to get Harry on the ground and kneeled down, putting his knee on his stomach as he held Harry's hands together. "Scared, Potter?" he hissed.

"You wish!" Harry answered, kicking Draco's side and jumping up. In a blur, the tables turned, and Harry won, having pinned Draco down on the ground.

Harry stood up, raising his arms victoriously. The crowd cheered as Ron shouted at them.

"That was one heck of a fight!" he yelled. "Next, we'll have two very talented fighters take to the cage," the announcer yelled to the crowd. "Y/n Potter, Harry's sister and a new but strong fighter, against the one and only reigning champion, Lord Voldemort!"

The crowd cheered. Some were chanting "Voldemort" over and over again, excited for the all-time champion, while others were wishing for me to dethrone him.

I was nervous, of course—Voldemort was a powerful fighter who didn't give up until he won. However, I wasn't going to give up either.

"In charge of the action, we have our very own Referee Madam Hooch!" Ron yelled, pointing at the blonde woman standing on the side of the arena.

Harry passed me as I walked into the arena, so I gave him a fist bump and he wished me luck.

I met Voldemort in the arena. We started squaring up, and I was jumping and stretching to ease my nerves. Madam Hooch looked at me, then looked at my opponent, and we both nodded to say that we were ready.

The referee moved to the side of the ring and Voldemort lunged for me, swinging his gloved fists. I ducked, running under his outstretched arm and behind him. Quickly, I swept out my leg, bringing Voldemort off of his feet and onto the ground.

He crashed to the floor with a loud thud and immediately started throwing his legs around to keep me from getting near him. Voldemort leapt back up the moment I took a step away from his kicking legs.

My opponent ran at me, sweat already glistening on his pale skin. I dodged his punch and smacked his cheek with my fist, which made him back away slightly. A second later, he had recovered, and he charged at me once again.

"Looks like Y/n Potter was able to get a hit in!" the red-headed announcer yelled as Voldemort and I evaded each other's attacks. "Both fighters have strong dodging skills!"

I swung at Voldemort's head and hit him, but not before he nailed me in the stomach. I stumbled backwards, ignoring the sick feeling now spreading through my body. Voldemort ran forward, trying to send a fist into my face, but I deflected it with my arm.

"Over here in the sidelines we have Harry Potter, Y/n's twin brother, cheering her on as he prepares for the next match! Keep watching," Ron shouted to the crowd as they cheered for every movement. "Whoever wins this round will be fighting Harry!"

Voldemort managed to smack me in the head, sending me to the ground. My back hit the floor and pain flared through my body, but I focused on my opponent, who was standing above me, ready to pin me down and win.

Just as he was about to make a movement, I threw my leg up and smacked him in the face with my foot. He fell back, stumbling slightly and giving me the perfect opportunity to get back on my feet. I jumped up and ran over to him, pummelling him with punches as he tried and failed to deflect them. Suddenly, my fist connected with his head, and he fell to the ground, suddenly unconscious.

Madam Hooch rushed over to his side, making sure he was actually out. Once she confirmed that he was knocked out, she grabbed my hand and held it up.

"We have a new champion!" Ron screamed. "Y/n Potter has defeated the reigning champion, Lord Voldemort!"

I cheered happily, and Harry grinned at me from outside of the cage. As I exited, I hugged Draco excitedly before rushing to Harry.

"You ready to lose, bro?"

𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙡𝙨 (𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗒 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋) Where stories live. Discover now