Pseudonym (Where the Words Went Part 1)

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Wren's POV:

   Finishing and revising after a year of planning out, I became completely satisfied with my new novel titled "If Harverna's Legend Died". A publisher once contacted me online to publicize the book, so I agreed, as I have a few books accepted by different publishers. I know that seems normal for a successful author at first, but this specific publisher was a scam all along.
Janeira's POV:

As I was searching the school library's bookshelf, holding two other children's novels, both written by my favorite author, Wren Cumberbatch, I found a very interesting book at the top of the shelf, but I was unable to reach it due to my height, unlike my classmates.
"Do you need any help?" Deron, my famous classmate, asked coldly.
"Yeah, I just need that book with a dark purple cover. It says 'If Harverna's Legend Died'."
"Here you go, shortcake." He tossed it right at my face, leaving a scratch on my nose. "Never depend on me ever again, Donati-Knox!"
A few other classmates laughed right at me, making my eyes water. How can this jerk call me a shortcake like everyone else? Hello? I've seen other students who are as short as me, yet they don't get picked on. Maybe I need to talk to someone like Taylie, Heather, Meredith, or Nova. None of them are in my class, which is really sad.
"Do you need any help?" The same question from a different classmate appeared again. This time, it was a tall girl named Blake, who lifted my hand up and gave me a bandaid to place on my bleeding scratch.
"Thank you." I picked up the book, walking on my way to scan it.
"Janeira," Blake grabbed my hand while I was walking. "Deron can be handsome for his own brand, but don't fall for his attitude. I know his deepest and darkest secret."
"Oh really? Tell me that." She leaned in my ear and whispered the most hilarious rumor ever.
"He's in love with Gnoblin, but they never met."
"I didn't know that! But he's taken by Snow Frost." Both of us laughed quietly.
"He's getting jealous, according to my friend Sarah."
"Who's your favorite spirit?"
"Alicorn, because I believe in unicorns."
"Yeah, uh, me too!" Oh no, if Blake wants to know about my second identity, I am so dead. What should I say about her questions?
"But do you know who's the person in the unicorn costume?" Shoot, here I go again.
"Probably no. It's some random stranger at another school."
"I see what you said here." She smiled as we both parted ways to the library scanner.
After school, I always had to kiss my parents hello or they'll smack me with a sandal.
Mami asked me, "How's school today, mi jiha?"
"Muy bien. Where's Flora and Fauna?"
   "Cecilia took them at a park. What happened to your nose? Did someone hit you?"
"It's nothing. I just fell to the floor."
"Go eat your snack and study, okay?" I took some kale out from the fridge to head to my bedroom, but I did get a bit of anxiety from being alone with just my parents. Miele hadn't come home yet as she got a later time to go back.
I cuddled up in my bed with the new novel I picked up, reading through several of the pages. From an author that I've never heard before, an excerpt in the story read:

"If we believe in spirits, why do they never exist?" I asked my parents.
   "Imagination is where the creators use to make that kind of idea, but it cannot happen realistically." Mom said.
"That's it. I wish I can change the time so I can make sure dinosaurs and the spirits must live today."
"You just don't get it, do you?"

To be honest, as I flipped through more pages, it was a lot more interesting than my Wren Cumberbatch books as it discussed about a conspiracy theory about the future of not having the magical legend I secretly lived in, told from a toddler and a mother's points of view. I never heard of a small author making a good debut, even if it was under the name "Steve Swallows".
   Since my eyes were straining a bit from reading half of the book, I took a break to slide on my star shaped earrings and shake my perfume bottle. Nova appeared in my sight so I could fight my loneliness from my crazy family.
   "Welcome back, Jane. Is there anything you need to tell me?"
   "I'm doing good at school today until at the library, Deron Lightfoot threw a book at my face. Then, a girl tried to help me fix my nose."
"Sweetie, that mysterious girl should be your friend."
"I know, but because of my family, I'm just not hanging out very much. Sure, Heather did see me at a pool party and I did get her to talk to Charles along with a bunch of others, but she's pretty much quiet."
"Oh, before I get direct, I suppose that this Deron boy should be sent to the principal's office."
   "He's famous and always had good lawyers. I never liked him at all, even if I knew his dark secret. I just focus on reading and playing with unicorns."
   "That's good. Sometimes the entertainment industry can be bad. What's the secret?"
   "It's so funny that it can make him blush like a tomato. He has a ginormous crush on Gnoblin."
   "So? That's normal! A lot of kids like you love spirits as much as they love Disney and Marvel."
   "No, but he always uses his phone to find his phone number and where he lives..."
   "That sounds like it's too much for a Level 4 child..."
   "I got a snack just for you." I handed a plate of kale to feed Nova, letting myself begin to concentrate with some fun tutoring from her.
   Unfortunately, as I was studying my cursive writing as homework, I heard a weird noise coming outside, yelling at the whole city about how the screamer was the one writing a new bestselling novel which was fake.
   "What the—" I peered closely, knowing that several buildings were destroyed, making everyone go nuts. The voice turned out to be another super villain that had a giant storybook in his hands. He even had a black feather pen plucked from Darkbird's tail.
   "Once upon a time, in a miserable land..." the strange creature wrote and spoke out loud, commanding to change the city into a medieval town. While locking the door and slamming the window shut as soon as possible, I screamed in high pitch, throwing my green flip flops at the wall and pulling my pigtails.
   "Mythical Spirits, begin the story!"
Deron's POV:

I never felt one bit of regret after feeling proud of faking to help that annoying pigtailed shortie who tried too hard to look like a preschooler, trying to get a book that's something other than a picture book. That was probably another one of those helpless weaklings I targeted for another horrific day.
Generally speaking, ever since I became Snow Frost, I've had an obsessively strong connection with Gnoblin over time. He's such a dork with such class, good natured and most of all, down to earth. Wait, no, I didn't mean it. If Scary or any other idiot, including those naughty "M.E.A.N. Girls" squad, spreads my rumor around the whole school, I'm definitely planning to drop out of elementary school and die of shame. No, I didn't mean the "die of shame" part literally, so don't take it seriously.
As I was walking to my limo, I changed my route completely to confront Scary.
"Hey freak. What are you doing, laying around outside that school?"
"What do you want from me, Bigfoot? Mind your own business."
"Seriously?" I laughed it all off, pointing at him with the worst answer ever thrown at my face, "That's all you can come up? At least I got a fancy limo to go home, so I'll never take a stupid bus for basics like you!" I pushed Scary against the exterior walls, grabbing his shirt and making a wicked grin.
"Um, at least we got a ride." Scary's sister arrived to call him over.
"Is that your chubby and nerdy twin?" I insulted and continued grabbing Scary harder. He was sweating with humiliation, almost about to blow off in a rage. So was that twin, which made the situation more satisfying.
"Are you calling me fat? Sure, and I'm awesome to know what it can do, not what it looks like! Good luck trying to race against me!" She scolded at me.
"Taylie, are you gonna help me?" Scary begged for freedom.
"Don't listen to him." I said delinquently.
   "Leave my brother alone!" That girl snatched him away, but I tend to notice his backpack already ripping with my hands caught in it, letting all of his supplies fall. I left to get inside the limo, but somehow at home, I discovered a new super villain changing up the whole setting, even taking away the limo I rode in.
"Aw, come on!" I threw a loud fit, "Where's the manager of my house?" Then, as I realized that my whole family was gone. With no choice, I quickly transformed into Snow Frost without feeding Jack.
"Not again with that stupid mission, Deron!"
"I have to do it. Plus there's no time left. Mythical Spirits, begin the story!"
Meredith's POV:

"Oh no, this is bad. This is really, really bad." I began to notice that Pseudonym, the new villain, kept changing everything by writing in his book.
"And so, the spirits distance away from each other," The command divided my team about 6 feet apart, "but yet they're making another fight against each other."
   "Timeout!" Wereport summoned a portal to let us all in. However, none of us followed the story as all of our powers defended against the narration.
   "Are you at a loss of words right now?" Darkbird laughed off, smiling creepily, "Because you're now back to the past, losing your chance about your second future."
   "What are you always looking for, other than just power?" Gnoblin made a face.
   "I hate having my voice silenced, I deserve nothing but JUSTICE!"
   "Then, Darkbird gained his justice by taking away the spirits' constellions." Pseudonym wrote on his book again, controlling Darkbird to attack us. We were all fighting back as hard as we could, but somehow, my tsunami power started going uncontrolled as everything Pseudonym narrated about went into a dark climax. "But the whole island feels like it's sinking as many of the powers fail to function, including an earthquake." The written command resulted in the island crumbling from Gnoblin's uncontrolled earthquake.
   "Help! This is not what we want to do!" Prairina was screaming while resisting her forced wind spells.
   "Pseudonym's 'story' doesn't make any sense! Am I just a puppet to him?" Gnoblin's teeth chattered to stop his powers from being overused.
   "I don't know about it, toots, but dang, this one's becoming harder to defeat than Darkbird himself! He's getting more power than what we've thought!" Snow Frost protested.
   "Something's wrong about my wildfire lately. Couldn't we stop being in your stupid story? There'll be terrible reviews for it!" Flamegon tried pushing away from control, but because it mixed with my powers, we all knew this would be the first real defeat!
   "Please tell me this is horrible fan fiction!" Alicorn pleaded to break free.
   "It's even worse. It's creepypasta!" Wereport panicked.
   "What's that?" Alicorn asked while struggling.
"Horror fiction from the internet."
   "And finally, Darkbird gains his happily ever after. The end."
"No! The story's not over yet!" Jackalope screamed while trying to create a solar cyclone.
"Let us all go! You're only making the situation worse!" I pushed all of my efforts into beating Darkbird and Pseudonym.
Many minutes have passed, but it turned out that everyone was unsuccessful and defeated instead. I lost my water powers after using up all of my force, eventually falling into a crumbled world full of nothing but darkness. On top of that, I couldn't see anything due to the critical manipulation that led me nowhere to be saved. Wereport, Prairina, anyone? Help!

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